i, activation

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"Goodnight моя любовь. (my love)"

. . .

Natasha woke up pretty early in the morning, while Hope was still asleep. Her head was still on Hope's chest, one arm wrapped around her, and one of her legs on top of Hope's.

She slowly got up, and once she was sat on the edge of the bed, about to stand up, she was pulled back by her arm, Hope rolling onto her side, wrapping one of her arms around her mate. "What? Not even a goodmorning kiss before you leave?" Hope pouted. "You're awake?" Natasha asked. "I've been for half an hour, love." Hope smirked.

Natasha smiled, before flipping the both of them over, straddling Hope's hips. "Ouh? So you like it in the morning? I see you." Hope teased, making Natasha blush just a little bit, but Hope still noticed. "I love it when you blush, Elskan." She smirked. "What does Elskan mean? It's not you calling me an idiot in another language is it?" Natasha asked. "I can assure you, it is not me calling you an idiot in another language." Hope smiled. "Then what does it mean?" Natasha asked. "That is for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot." Hope smirked, and Natasha smirked back. "Jarvis, what does Elskan mean?" She asked, still with a smirk, making Hope roll her eyes.

"Elskan is a viking nickname which means something like 'My love' or 'My darling'." Jarvis said. "Snitch." Hope whispered.

Natasha blushed, looking down at her mate, stunned. "It is what it is." Hope shrugged, before flipping the two of them over. "I need to tell you something." Hope admitted. "What is it?" Natasha asked in concern.

I have to tell them in order to go further in the stages of the mate bond, if we don't it might break.

"I'm not human." Hope admitted. "What?" Natasha asked in disbelief. "I'm a witch." Hope started. "Wow! That's actully really cool!" Natasha smiled. "And a werewolf." Hope continued, making Natasha's smile falter. "And a vampire." Hope finished, Natasha's smile now completely dropping. "Oh wow- uh- that's great- just- uh- a lot to- uh- take in!" She stumbled over her words.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner. I plan on telling the rest today." Hope promised. "Okay... so... how does the bond work then?" Natasha asked. "To activate it we need to drink eachothers blood.." Hope started, Nat nodded, understanding. "Going trough the stages by kissing and admitting our love for eachother, like all species do." She continued, and Natasha nodded again. "Completing the bond with sex but i'll have to mark you." Hope finished. "Mark us?" Natasha asked. "Bite you which will leave a scar." Hope explained, and Natasha nodded once again.

"We should get ready and then gather everyone in the common room." Natasha said and Hope nodded in agreement. "Jarvis, tell everyone to be in the common room in half an hour. Say it's important." Natasha said. "Yes, miss Romanoff." The AI replied. "I'll go get ready in my room."Natasha told Hope. "I'll see you in the elevator, love." Hope smirked, kissing her mate's cheek, before going into her bathroom to get ready.

. . .

Once the two were in the elevator, Natasha told Jarvis to bring them to the floor where the common room was, which he did. Once the elevator stopped, the two stepped out of it, before walking down the hall, towards the common room.

As soon as they entered, they saw everyone sitting on the couches, clearly waiting for them. "There you two are! What's going on?" Steve asked. "Hope has something to tell you." Natasha said, walking towards one of the free couches with Hope, and sitting down with her. "What is it?" Tony asked.

"I'm a tribrid." Hope said quickly. "A what?" Peter asked. "Tribrid. Vampire witch and werewolf. I'm the only one of my kind."

"Oh wow."

"That's kinda cool."

"Do you drink blood?"

"Why don't you have like a huge nose?"

"Do you cast spells?"

"Do you burn in the sun? Wait- you don't-"

"Do you turn into a wolf on the full moon?"

"Does the bond work different?"

"Are you immortal?"

"Do your eyes glow red?"

"Why don't you have fangs?"

"Do you need a wand to do magic?"

"Does vervain burn you?"

"Do you have a reflection?"

"Do voodoo dolls work on you?"

"Okay! Okay! Enough questions!" Hope interuppted. "Everyone gets to ask one question. Starting with Bruce." She finished.

"Do you burn in the sun?" He asked. "Vampires do but i don't due to my werewolf and witch side. Next." "Do you have a reflection?" Clint asked. "I do. Next." "Does vervain burn you?" Peter asked. "It does. Next." "Do voodoo dolls-" "Ew, no they don't, Tony. Next." "Do you need a wand to do magic?" Stephen asked. "No? Who am i? Hermione Granger? Next." "Why don't you have fangs?" Pietro asked. "I do." Hope said, before showing them her Hybrid face, and opening her mouth slightly to show her fangs. "Wow." Pietro said in awe. "Next." "Are you immortal?" Thor asked. "I am. Next." "Do you age?" Vision asked. "I do not. Next." "Does the bond work different?" Wanda asked. "It does, i'll explain later. Next." "Do you turn every full moon?" Shuri asked. "Werewolves do but i don't due to my vampire side. I only turn at will. Next." "Do you drink blood?" T'challa asked. "I do." "Do you cast spells?" Sam asked. "I do."

"That's so, so, so cool." Peter smiled.

. . .

Tony and Hope were laying in her bed, Hope's head on his chest and his arm around her waist. "Baby?" "Yes, Tones?" "Do you want to activate the bond?" He asked, and Hope immediatley sat up. "Do you?" He nodded, and sat up aswell, only to be pushed back down, and be straddled by his waist. Hope bit into her wrist, before extending it towards him, which he immediately took and brought towards his mouth, before starting to suck from the wound.

Hope supressed a moan, when he grabbed onto her hip with his hand, pulling her down towards him. She then, carefully tilted his head to the side, while he was still sucking on her bleeding wound. She then carefully pierced trough his skin with her fangs, making him let out a muffled groan. She drank from his wound for a few seconds, before pulling away, his wound immediately healing because of her blood. He then pulled away from her wrist, her wound long gone. "That was amazing." She smiled. "That it was." He agreed.

. . .

Hope was laying in Thor's bed, her back leaning against the headboard, while his was leaning against her front. He was sitting in between her legs, while she was playing with his hair. "Lady Hope?" He asked. "Yes?" "Would you like to activate our bond?" He asked. "Would you?" She asked back. "I would like nothing more." He smiled as he looked at her.

She smirked, before leaning down slightly, starting to kiss his neck, deciding where she would bite him, while he let out several low groans.

She then pierced his skin with her fangs, his rich blood flooding into her mouth. She tightened her grip on his shoulders, before pulling away from his neck, and piercing the sking on her wrist, and extending it to him, which he immediately pulled towards him and started to drink from.

Why is activating bonds so awfully sexual-

Once he stopped drinking, his wound was already long gone. "That was... awesome." Thor whispered.

"It really was."

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