ii, Training

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"Come on, Buck, we gotta get up." Hope said, as she tried to pry Bucky's metal hand off of her hip. "No." He said, his words muffled, due to his face being buried in Hope's neck. "Or i'll go without you!" She threataned. "No!" He whined childishly, dragging out the 'o' at the end.

"You're acting like a kid." Hope pointed out. "Then you're acting like a pedophile, considering our activities just an hour before!" Bucky snapped at her, annoyed that she wanted to get up. "Buck, i need to get up, remember why we're here?" "To resurrect your family." He uttured in displeasure. "Come on up, i'll get you ice cream once you're ready." She promised. "Fine." He groaned, getting up from the bed after Hope.

Once the pair was ready, they went to Caroline's office, to ask how they could help around the school.

Once the pair was ready, they went to Caroline's office, to ask how they could help around the school

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"Oh, well, the new witches could maybe use your help, Hope

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"Oh, well, the new witches could maybe use your help, Hope. And your soulmate can maybe train with the werewolves?" Caroline suggested. "Okay, but i want to stay in the same room." Hope said. "But how will the witches concentrate?" Caroline asked. "Fine, but only one wall between us." Hope said. "Deal." Caroline smiled. "Go to trainingroom 719 and 720." "There are so many trainingrooms?" Bucky asked in surprise. "No, but that many classrooms." Hope explained.

"Come on." Hope said, grabbing Bucky's hand, dragging him with her.

"Here's room 719 and 720. Let's wait for the kids." Hope said, and just as she finished, two teenagers and four smaller kids came from around two different corners walking towards them. "I suppose you two are the wolves?" Hope said once they were close enough. "Yep. I'm Antonia and this is Anton." "We're twins." He finished for his sister. "Alright. Room 720 is all yours. Kids, were in room 719 come on." Hope clapped her hands, and once the wolves and witches went into the seperate rooms, Hope pecked Bucky's lips, before winking at him and waving het fingers as in goodbye and walking into room 719.

"So. Introductions. I'm Hope."

"I'm Sarah!"
"I'm Sean!"
"I'm Chris!"
"I'm Ben."

"Great! So, now, on what level are you with your magic. From a scale from one to ten."

"Hmm... i'd say three." Said Sarah.

"I'd say three too." Said Chris.

"Probably four." Sean said.

"I'll go with two." Said Ben.

"Alright! That's great for your age!" Hope smiled. "Let's start simple. Sarah. Light that candle with your magic." She said, and Sarah nodded, holding out her palm towards the candle, mutturing the fire spell 'incendia' under her breath, lighting the candle. "Great job! Can you guys do that to?" Hope asked, and they all nodded. "Great. Now, Ben. Come on up." Hope said, and the boy complied. "Throw me against a wall with your magic." She said, and he nodded hesitantly, before forcefully shoving his arms towards her, his palms extended towards her, making her fly against a wall. "Jeez... that was... fantastic." Hope smiled, getting up. "Can you all do that too?" She asked, and they all shook their heads. "See? And you said the lowest number of all of you." She smiled, and he smiled back, shyly. "Sean, come here." She said, and the boy did as he was told.

"Create a ball of light in your hand." She said, and he frowned. "The word is 'Ohun'." She nodded at him, which he returned, before extending his hand, his palm facing the ceiling.

He them concentrated on his magic, furrowing his eyebrows, mutturing the word 'Ohun' under his breath, making a ball of light appear in his hand. "You did it!" Hope smiled, clapping her hands. "Good job, kid!" She smiled.

"Chris, come on." She said, and the last kid came up to her.

"I want you to make a water spell. When you cast it, water will come out of your hand, so don't be surprised." She said, and he nodded. "The word is 'Aquamalia'." She said, and he nodded once again, extending his hand, his palm facing the ceiling.

He closed his eyes in concentration, mutturing the word 'Aquamalia' until he heard clapping, and once he opened his eyes, he saw the three other kids and Hope clapping, a ball of water hovering above his palm, making him smile.

"Good job, kiddo! You guys think you can do the light and water spell too?" Hope asked, and only Sean nodded. "What about you guys?" Hope asked. "I could probably do the light one but not the water one." Sarah said.

"I probably couldn't do the light spell." Chris said. "And i probably wouldn't be able to do the water spell." Ben admitted sheepishly.

"Alright. You take a small break and i'll go check on the others. I'll be right back." Hope said, before leaving the room, and entering the other one, revealing Bucky fighting the two werewolves.

He had the male wolf down, his foot against his chest and the female struggling to breathe as his metal hand was wrapped around her throat.

"Give up!" He said, and she nodded, hitting his arm three times, making him let go of her, as she coughed, and her brother went to help her.

"I'm sorry-" "Don't apologize, Buck." Hope cut him off, making the trio turn around to face her. "The enemy would apologize either. Go to the medical bay." She ordered, and they nodded, leaving the room hurriedly.

"Are you hurt?" Hope asked. "I'm fine, doll." Bucky smiled. "Alright. Come on. You can watch the little witches do their magic." Hope smiled, and he nodded, following her into the room next to the one they exited.

"Sean! Come on up!" Hope clapped her hands, and the boy was immediately by her side. "Put both your palms up." She ordered, and he did as he was told. "Now, i want you to create a light ball on one hand and a water one on the other. You said you could do either. Try and do both." She said, and he gulped, but nodded. "How?" He asked. "Close your eyes. Concentrate on the magic flooding trough your veins. And do the light spell first, don't let go. And do the water one next." She explained, and he nodded, doing exactly as she said.

A light ball appeared flickering in his hand, showing everyone in the room that he probably won't be able to do it. "Concentrate on the light. Make it stronger, forget the water one for now." Hope ordered, and he did as he was told, making the light stop flickering.

"Great. Now, hold it, and do the water spell." She said, and before he could even muttur the word for the water spell, the light disappeared.

"Alright. You gave it a try. You are powerful enough, though, you don't have the concentration for it." Hope analysed, and he nodded, going back to his friends.

"Alright, kids, you did a good job, go back to your dorms." Hope then said, and the kids group nodded, saying their goodbyes before leaving.

"I'll go find my friends, so we can start the spells."

"I'll come with you."

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