i, Walker brothers

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"So, you're telling me that... one of my soulmates intentionally put some chemical into Natasha, most likely have put it on her food, which made me go rouge when i fed from her?" Hope concluded.

"Well, or she took it intentionally... or she was somewhere else and someone else gave it to her." Enzo shrugged.

"Well- why would anyone do that? Also, how could anyone have known that we'd activate the bond that night?" Hope asked.

"Someone could've done it to hurt you by making you hurt her. You have enemies, don't you?" Enzo concluded.

"Once it's in someone's system, it stays for about two weeks to a month." Wes added.

"Could it have been an accident?" Hope asked.

"Yeah. I also always put a chemical that makes vampires go rouge into other's food by accident." Enzo said sarcastically.

"Really great time to be satcastic, bud." Hope snaps.

"You do realize that that entire sentence you just said was sarcastic, right?" Enzo laughed, making her glare at him before taking her shoe off and throwing it at him, and as he dodged and it landed on the ground, she summoned it back onto her foot, grumbling under her breath about annoying, ancient mosquitos.

"You're lucky i haven't killed you yet." She uttured.

"Now, that is no way to speak to your elders, is it, love?" Enzo replied sarcastically.

"Shut up, grandpa."

"As kind as always."

. . .

"Du dun. Du dun. Du dun du dun du dun du dun du duuuuun du du du du dun-" Hope spoke into her phone-speaker, as Enzo was driving the car, as he looked over at her weirdly.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm trying to find that one song! It was like- Du dun. Du dun. Du dun du-" Enzo cut her off. "I heard that the first time, thanks a lot, love. But i don't think that you will find it that way." Enzo smirked at her.

"Why do you keep calling me 'love'? Don't you have a scary Bennet witch to return to?" Hope asked, as Enzo rolled his eyes.

"You're no fun." He pouted sarcastically.

"Cheating is not fun, dick." She looked at him in disgust.

"I wasn't planning on- you know what? I give up with you." He shook his head. "Although, i do agree with you. Cheating is not fun." He added.

"Good. I was about to reach down your throat and pull out your insides."

"You really are creepy."

"Thank you."

. . .

Once the duo arrived at their destination, they got out if their car and made their way to a small apartment near Delmar's shop.

The rang a random bell and when the front doors opened, they sped up three flights of stairs, and stood infront of yet another door.


Enzo knocked on the door, as Hope stood besides him, wearing the best smile she could force at the moment, and so did he.

Enzo knocked on the door, as Hope stood besides him, wearing the best smile she could force at the moment, and so did he

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Suddenly, a medium high man, with blonde hair and brown eyes, which were an ugly shade of brown, with hints of yellow and green, opened the door

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Suddenly, a medium high man, with blonde hair and brown eyes, which were an ugly shade of brown, with hints of yellow and green, opened the door.

"Can i help you?" He asked.

"Yes, actully. My friend and i are selling this phone-" Hope lied, holding up her new i phone. "For three dollars. It's a bit broken- well, not really, it just fell once, it still functionates perfectly." She said.

"May i see it?" He asked, taking a small step foward, as one foot was now on the other side of the doorway.

"Sure. We're selling it for such a low price because we originally bought it as a present for a friend- but he's passed away recently, so..." She trailed off, handing him the phone.

"We just don't want to remember him whenever we look at it... We want to get rid of it." Enzo added.

"Hmm... i think i'll take it. I'll be right back." Jason smiled, handing Hope the phone back before dissapearing around a corner in his apartment, returning with a wallet.

"How much was it again?" He asked.

"Three dollars, sir." Hope smiled, as he handed her the money, she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards herself, as Enzo caught him by his hair and pushed his front against the wall besides his door.

"Invite us inside." He compelled him. "Come on in." Jason spoke with a fake smile, in a daze, making them smirk.

"Why, thank you." Hope smiled.

"Very kind of you to invite us into your home." Enzo added smugly, stepping inside.

. . .

"You're the creator of the drug that make's vampires go rouge. Correct?" Enzo asked.

"Correct." Jason confirmed.

"And your father, Alexander Walker, used to create it before you started to do so too, but is now dead?" Enzo asked again.


"And you have given the drug to no one, except one person, in the last two months." Hope then chimed in.

"Yes." Jason nodded yet again.

"And that person is your older brother." Enzo said.

"Yes, my brother." John confirmed with a nod.

"What was his name again?" Hope asked, honestly not recalling the name he has told her.

"Full name, please." Enzo said, before Jason could anwser.

"Just John Walker." Jason said.

"Age, Adress." Hope spoke in an annoyed tone, and with an eyeroll.

"Thirty-seven, he lives around the corner of Delmar's shop, twentieth apartment, third floor, by the last name Walker." Jason spoke in fear.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Hope said with a grin.

"Enzo. Have at it. Leave me some though." Hope said, getting up, as she started to make her way out of the apartment.

"My pleasure, love. I will bring him to yours by eight." He winked, before digging into the Walker's neck, making him scream in pain, and make Hope roll her eyes before quickly leaving the apartment, so nobody would hear his screams as she opened the door.

"Now the other brother, huh?"

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