ii, The olive theory

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"Oh my god!" Hope shrieked as she abtrubtly stopped the car.

"Oh my god! What?!" Inadu yelled in shock.

"I just realzied something!" Hope yelled.

"What?! Are you-" Inadu began to yell.

"My uncle Elijah loves Olives! My mum hates them! Get it? Get it? The olive theory!" Hope cut her off.

"Are you serious?! You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" Inadu screamed.

"Oh, sorry. My bad." Hope smiled cheekily before casually beginning to drive again.

. . .

"Tu dum, tu dum, tu dum tu dum tu dum tu dum tu duuuum- tu du du du dum!" Hope muttured.

"Why do you do that?" Inadu asked in confusion.

"Do what?" Hope asked.

"Humming or 'tu dum-ing' along with the music?" Inadu decleared.

"I don't know. I just do, i guess." Hope shrugged.

Hope finally pulled up by a buliding.

"Are we finally there?" Inadu asked.

"We haven't been driving for that long. Don't be dramatic." Hope rolled her eyes.

"We've been driving for 4 hours!" Inadu protested.

"Well, we had to get away, right?" Hope shrugged.

"Whatever." Inadu grumbled as she got out of the car, and so did Hope.

The two walked up to the hotel they pulled up at, walking inside, and to the receptionist.

"Hi. We'd like a room please. Two beds." Hope said.

"We don't have any-" The lady began.

"Then make sure there will be a free one in an hour or less. We'll be waiting." Hope compelled the lady with a sweet smile.

"Of course!" She smiled in a daze.

"Great! Thank you!" Hope smiled, before grabbing Inadu's hand and pulling her out of the Hotel.

"Hungry?" Hope asked.

"I could eat." Inadu admitted.

"Good. Let's eat and then shop." Hope offered.

"Alright." Inadu shrugged.

"Great." Hope smiled, and the two began looking for a restaurant nearby.

. . .

After the two had some food, they went to the nearby shops to get themselves some clothes.

"Like it?" Inadu asked as she came out of the dress room and swirled around.

"Like it?" Inadu asked as she came out of the dress room and swirled around

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