iii, trying to get her back

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With Rebekah

Rebekah heard her door burst open, and she immediately sped into a standing position, only to see her siblings, Marcel, Hayley and Davina standing infront of her. "What the bloody hell do you want?" She asked. "Rebekah." Marcel whispered, and she moved her gaze towards him. "Marcel..." She whispered.

"Rebekah." She heard a familiar voice behind her, and when she turned around, she saw Stefan standing there, smiling. "Stefan..." She cried in a whisper, her humanity breaking trough, as she sped towards him, and he embraced her.

Marcel slowly walked towards them, hugging Rebekah by her waits from behind, making her sniff into Stefan's shoulder. "H-how are you back?" She cried. "Your niece ressurected me." Stefan explained. "H-hope- s-she's- she's in the opposite room." She sniffed.

"I-is Matt here?" She asked, looking around. "Of course i am." The human smiled, opening his arms for her, which she immediately whooshed into, burying her face in his neck, breathing in his scent. "I missed all of you so much..." She whispered.

"I want my daughter." Klaus demanded.

"So do i. Come on." Hayley said, grabbing Klaus' arm and dragging him out of the room, Elijah trailing closely behind them.

She slammed Hope's door open, only to see the room empty. "Hope?" Hayley asked. "Hope!" Klaus shouted.

"Where are you?" Hayley asked, walking further into the room, only to be pushed against a wall, with a hand wrapped around her throat.

Klaus sped towards Hope, pushing her against the wall next to her mother, both his hands on each of her shoulders. "You flipped the switch, didn't you?" He asked.

"Hell yeah, i did." The humanity-less Tribrid smirked.

With the Avengers

"She actully hurt us..." Wanda whispered in disbelief. "To be fair, we did hurt her first." Bucky defended his soulmate. "Hell yeah, we did. She thinks we were talking about her. And who knows how much she's heard?" Natasha buried her face in her palms in frustration.

"Don't remind me." Said Steve, who ran his hands trough his hair in frustration.

"But we weren't even talking ablout her! We were talking about how Fury was forcing us to take Sharon into the team! How could she ever even consider us talking about her like that?" Peter asked, with tears in his eyes.

"She has been trough a lot. Probably a lot of betrayal. That's why she isn't even sure if she can trust us, her own soulmates." Loki concluded. "I suppose Loki is right. It does seems like our soulmate suffers under the fear of abandonment." Vision concluded.

"I want her back." Shuri whispered. "I do too." T'challa whispered back. "I'm sure everyone in this room does." T'challa whispered to his sister, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her to his side in a comforting manner.

"Sir, Director Fury has entered the buliding and is on his way here." The artificial intelligence informed.

"Great." Tony replied sarcastically. "Is the blonde bombshell with him?" He asked. "If you are implying to miss Sharon Carter then yes, she is." The artificial intelligence replied, just a second before Fury entered the room, with Sharon right behind him.

"Hello everyone. Where is that soulmate of yours you've been talking about?" Fury asked, while anger was clear in his voice. "She left because of that blonde bombshell of yours!" Tony said angrily. "How is anything my fault?" Sharon asked. "We were talking about you and she overhead us and thought we were talking about her-" Peter ranted, only to be cut off by Fury. "That's your fault really, gossip girls." Fury pointed out. "How about you shut your flithy mouth, eyepatch." Loki threatened the director.

"It was nobody's fault. It was just a misunderstanding, really." Bruce reasoned. "I have to agree with mister Banner. It was just a misunderstanding and Hope didn't let us speak." Vision agreed. "So you're saying that it's her fault?!" Loki shouted, getting up from his seat to tower over the robot. "I did not blame her, mister Laufeyson." Vision said calmly.

"Sure as hell sounded like you did." Clint said angrily.

"Language." Steve scolded. "Shut up, old man." Tony snapped. "Excuse you?" Bucky said, clearly offended. "No offense, metal man." Tony said to Bucky. "Hey!" Bucky snapped. "Shush!" Tony snapped back.

. . .

With Hope

Hope was feeding on yet another victim of hers, when she heard pretty many people coming towards her. She dropped the man she was feeding on, amd turned around, looking at the Avengers and the Mikaelsons with Hayley, Davina and Marcel.

"Oh! The monsters and useless ones are here!" She smiled sickly. "Thank god." She groaned mockingly. "I've listened to your desperate crying for me to come back for days now." She rolled her eyes. "Here to try and make me flip the switch?" She asked with a fake pout.

"Hope." Hayley cried in desperation. "Ugh. More drama." The girl sighed dramatically. "Hope, please." Elijah whispered. "What do you want from me?" The tribrid then asked in annoyance. "We want you back." Rebekah demanded. "Too bad. You won't get the pathetic, idiotical me back. This is me now. Get used to it." Hope said. "Honestly, you only have them to blame. They were stupid enough to let their monsterious soulmate hear them talking back about her." Hope then shrugged with a smirk plastered on her face.

"What?" Klaus asked in fury, turning towards the Avengers. "That's the problem! We weren't talking about you!" Tony said. "We were talking about a girl that Fury was forcing us to accept into our team!" Peter continued. "We would never disrespect you, darling!" Vision said. "Little wolf, you should hear them out." Klaus said. "Like i'm going to listen to you." Hope scoffed. "I'm not one of your little dogs to order around." Hope said. "Hope-" Hayley tried. "No!" Hope cut her off. "I don't wanna hear it!" She shouted.

"Errox femus." Davina changed under her breath, holding her hand out towards Hope, who gasped when she felt the bone of her left leg snapping, making her fall onto on knee. "I will kill you and everyone you've ever met!" She threataned the witch. "You really are just like me." Klaus smirked proudly, only to be hit on the back of his head by Elijah. "Not the time." Hayley shook her head in dissaproval. "No. You won't." Marcel disagreed with Hope. "What makes you think that you can stop me?" Hope asked, getting back up as her bone healed.

"Consto." Hope chanted, holding her palm out infront of her, as Kol who sped towards her froze. "Ouh, uncle Kol. Why am i not surprised? Dad wouldn't have been able to do it and no one else would've had the balls." She smirked.

"Ah sha lana." She then chanted, and Kol screamed, clutching his head in his hands as he fell to his knees at the immense pain in his head.

"Anyone else?" She asked. "Try me." Klaus stepped foward, stretching his arms out at his sides. "Come on, little wolf. Let it all out." He said. "Oh, i will." She nodded her head with a tight lipped smile.

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