ii, Torture

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Hey guys! I just want you to comment on this charpter to tell me if you liked it, because i do but also kind of don't and i've rewritten it three times and i'm sick of it.

On their way to the shopping centre, Hope recieved a call from her aunt, and ended up inviting her to go shopping with them, to which she immediately agreed.

So here the trio was, going into every single clothing store, and buying whatever they liked.

Hope was paying for all of them, as she has compelled herself money a while back, so Rebekah would compell a worker infront of many people, and Wade wouldn't waste his hard earned money.

"How about this?" Hope asked, coming out of the changing room, revealing herself to her new friend and aunt who were waiting for her to try everything on to comment on it.

"How about this?" Hope asked, coming out of the changing room, revealing herself to her new friend and aunt who were waiting for her to try everything on to comment on it

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"Oh yeah! That outfit is hot as hell! Take it!" Wade beamed. "Yeah, take it. I like it." Rebekah agreed. "Alright. Next one."

She said, before dissapearing bebind the courtains, and coming out a few minutes after.

She said, before dissapearing bebind the courtains, and coming out a few minutes after

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(Without the accessories)

"This one too!" Wade beamed yet again. "Just not those boots. They're terrible." Rebekah grimaced. "Yeah, they just go with this, but they're really not it." Hope agreed, before dissapearing behind the coutains yet again.

" Hope agreed, before dissapearing behind the coutains yet again

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