ii, Jealousy

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Katherine and i were in my apartment that tomy temporarily got for me, so i would be more comfortable afyer everything that's happened.

We were on my couch, watching 'Pretty little liars', as she was sipping on a glass of red wine mixed with blood, while i stuck with vodka and self squeezed lime juice in it.

"How do you drink that without making a face?" Katherine asked in confusion. "There's no reason to make a face. It's delicious." I rolled my eues as she fake gagged.

"No, it's not-"

She was cut off by my doorbell ringing.

"If it isn't my family our my soulmates it's a snack." I uttured, making Katherine giggle, as i got up from the couch to get the door.

"What?" I asked in annoyance, before realizing who it was.

"Well, that's one way to be greeted." Loki smirked. "What do you want?" I asked in annoyance. "Who's with you?" He asked, hearing the giggles of Katherine.

"A person." "Compelled?" "No." I rolled my eyes.

"Who is in there with you?" He asked once again. "That would be me." I heard Katherine's voice from behind me as she stepped out from behind a wall.

"Who's this, baby?" She asked with a fake pout, and a flirtatious undertone, as she wrapped her arms around my waist, placing her chin on my shoulder.

"Get away from her." Loki spoke trough gritted teeth. "Or what? You'll hurt me?" She smirked mockingly.

"Oh, but i will-" He was about to start threatening her, but i cut his idiotic threats off "No, you won't." "I won't?" He questioned in surprise. "You won't." I repeated.

"I will." He argued. "I'd like to see you try." I took a challenging step towards him. "Are you really going to fight your soulmate over that filthy blood drinking mutt?" He asked in anger.

"You do realize i'm a vampire, and so is my almost entire family. Right?" I asked, making his eyes widen as he froze in realization of what he just said. "I didn't mean-"

"Of course you didn't." I cut him off.

"Leave before i suck you dry of blood like the 'filthy, blood drinking mutt' i am." I threataned him, after blinking back some tears.


"Do not call me that. Leave. Or would you prefer i call my uncle Kol?" I asked mockingly, recalling how my uncle enthusiastically told her how he had beaten Loki up a few days ago to test a new bat of his, but couldn't bring it to the end as he wanted because Elijah pulled him away and confiscated his bat after an hour of scolding or so.

"I do have a new bat in my room that he'd love to test out." I spoke calmly, watching as his eyes widened even more.

I then turned around and grabbed Katherine's hand, and lead her back into the apartment.

"What an asshole." Katherine shook her head. "Right?" I rolled her eyes in annoyance, whilst Katherine shut the door behind us.

. . .

Hope was sitting on the edge of a rooftop, he feet hanging off the edge, as she was texting in the groupchat.

Salvawhore- Stephanie
Blondie- Lizzie
The better twin- Josie
Immortal bitch- Hope
Fire breather- Landon
Vampie- Marcus
The better broski- Rafael
Newbie- Roman

Immortal bitch: Who the hell added new people?

Fire breather: I did.

Blondie: Who the hell is 'newbie'?

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