iii, failure

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She had always wanted to try and bring her family back, now that she has the chance, she is definitely going to try it.

Hope went outside, in order to find someone, no one will look for if they die.

That is when she saw a middle aged man, drunk, alone, sad, sitting on a bench, while sipping on his vodka bottle.

She walked up to him, before grabbing his chin, making him look into her eyes. "Do you have a family or friends?" She compelled him, and he shook his head 'no' in a daze. "Great, then you're coming with me. Don't fight me, don't make a sound." She compelled him, and he obliged, getting up from the bench and following her.

The two walked towards Hope apartment, and just when she was about to put her keyes into the lock, the guy she took with her was pinned against the wall, making her roll her eyes and turn towards him and whoever pinned him. "What is this about now?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "Why are you bringing him into your home with you?" The guy who was pinning him against the wall asked. "Why the hell do you care?" She asked. "I asked first." He pointed out. "Actully, i did." She reminded him. "So?" She asked once again. "Do you not feel it?" He asked. "What am i supposed to feel? Your magic because you're a pixie?" She asked sarcastically. "You really don't..." He muttured. "Care to elaborate? If not then please let my... friend go." She said.

"You're my mate."


. . .

After Hope coldly regected the guy, and pulling her hostage into her apartment, she sat him on the couch before bringing the grimore she got from the libary. She sat on the ground, the man now sitting opposite to her, the grimore in her lap, before she started to chant, holding the mans' hands.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito." She chanted over, and over, until the man finally dropped dead. She opened her eyes, hoping to see her mother, which she concenteated on bringing back first.

She got up from the floor in fury, before speeding towards a wall and punching it with full force, causing it to break on the spot she hit. "Damn it! I did everything i was required to do!" She yelled. "Why didn't it work..?" She whispered out, leaning aginsy the wall she has punched, sliding down, towards the floor, breaking down in tears. "Why..?" She whispered, before burying her face in her palms, leaning her forehead on her knees.

. . .

When Hope woke up in the next morning, she was still on the spot on the floor she fell asleep on, still in her sitting position, making her groan.

Once memories of the previous evening came into her mind, she buryied her face in her hands, instanly regretting how she treated her apparent soulmate.

She got up from the foor, groaning slightly, her body feeling sore, and her brain working over time to remember exactly what happened.

She walked towards her refrigerator, opening it before grabbing a bloodbag. She tore it open, before drinking from it, moaning at the taste of her favourite blood group. B negative, it's just delecious.

Once she finished, she thew the now empty bloodbag into the garbage, before going to her room, to get some fresh clothes from her closet, before going to the bathroom.

Hope then undressed herself, and stepped into the shower once she was fully naked.

She turned the water on, checking the temperature, before stepping beneath it, and washing everything off of herself.

Once she was done she stepped out of the shower, putting her fresh clothes on, before brushing her hair and teeth.

She put small braids into her hair, tying them behind her head, finishing off her look.

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