iii, nightmares

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Hope sped into Bruce's room, only to see him sat in his bed, looking around, his neck slightly green and his forehead covered in sweat.

She quickly sped towards his side of the bed, sitting on the edge of it, before grabbing his hand gently, making him flinch as his eyes shot towards her, his other arm raised, ready to defend himself, but Hope caught it mid air.

Once Bruce realized that it was Hope he just tried to hit, he started to panic even more. "Oh my gosh! I'm so, so, so sorry! Did i hurt you? I'm so, so, so sorry, i just-" He started to rant apologies but Hope cut him off by smashing her lips onto his, and he immediately melted into the kiss, his breath and heartbeat calming almost instantly.

Hope then pulled away, before lowering their raised arms, and wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing herself closer to him, and he immediatley melted into the embrace.

"Nightmare?" She asked and he nodded.

"Don't worry, love, no one will ever hurt you as long as i'm alive. Which will be a while considering i'm pretty much immortal." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "Thank you..." He whispered. "You should sleep with Bucky today... he's got a lot of these.." Bruce then mentioned. "I think i will." Hope nodded.

She then heard an uneven heartbeat yet again, making her frown. "I hear a weird heartbeat, i'll check that out, i'll be back." She promised, before speeding out.

She sped towards the room with the fast heartbeat, ending up infront of Bucky's. "Guess Bruce was right." She muttured, before carefully opening the door, revealing Bucky in his bed, covered in sweat, turning at twisting, breathing heavily. She slowly walked towards him, before sitting on the edge of the bed and carefully placing her hand on her cheek.

Just then, a metal hand wrapped itself around her throat, in a chocking motion, on which she rolled her eyes. Her eyes landed back on Bucky, he was awake, his eyes wide, hos breatjing even heavier.

He rolled the both of them around, pinning Hope under him, his metal arm still around her throat. "Are you done yet? Because this is getting pretty borning, Elskan." Hope smirked, and Bucky seemed to snap out of god knows what, immediately releasing her. "O-oh my god- did i hurt you? I'm so, so, sor-"

"Hey, it's okay, you didn't hurt me." Hope assured him, sitting up. "No- no, i hurt you, i-" "It's okay, it's okay, it didn't hurt, i've been trough worse." She reassured him. "Is there a bruise? Let me see-" "Calm down, there is no bruise. Enchanted healing, remember?" She reminded him and he slowly nodded.

Hope then opened her arms for him, to which he immediately replied by wrapping his arms around her waist and sticking his face into the crock of her neck, whilst she wrapped hers around his neck.

She ran her fingers trough his hair, massaging his scalp with the tips of her fingerd, which seemingly calmed him down.

"Come on, Buck, you gotta get dressed." Hope reminded him, planting a sweet kiss onto his cheek.

Just as she tried to move from their embrace, Bucky groaned, tightening his arms around her and laying back onto the bed, pulling her with him. His back now laid against the mattress and Hope quite literally on top of him.

"Bucky, come on!" She groaned in annoyance, to which he replied with an displeased groan yet again.

What a man child.

"If you get up i'll activate the bond with you." She said, making him open his eyes, but he didn't move. "Today." She continued, and he raised an eyebrow at her. "After breakfast." She rolled her eyes, and he immediatley sat up, with her still in his arms before standing up, picking her up with him. "But you need to let me go-" "That wasn't a part of the deal, doll." Bucky smirked, making her groan, while he simply grabbed her thights, making her wrap her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck. "But you need to geg dressed!" She pointed out, gesturing towards him only wearing his boxers. "Fine." He said, before walkimg towards his closet, with her still in his arms. He opened it, before speaking. "Choose."

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