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Hello lovelies!

I know i don't usually do notes like this but this is kind of important.

First of all i wanna explain how the bond works.

Activation: Drinking eachothers blood

Once they have drank eachothers blood, the bond grows a bit stronger, making it harder for them to ever leave eachother, and making it possible for them to know how they feel, but not all emotion, only anger, sadness or something really bad like panic/anxiety attacks, etc.

They then continue by kissing, hugging, etc. things that couples do, but sometimes they do that already before activating the bind, which is absolutely alright and normal.

With every step they do, the bond grows stronger, making it harder for them to stay away from eachother.

Completing the bond: Sex, blooddrinking

Once they have completed the bond by having sex and having been marked (bitten) Hope heals them with her blood, but a scar of her bite stays wherever she has bitten them, leaving a small mark.

Once completed, the bond is as strong as ever, and it is almost impossible for soulmates to leave eachother. Painful even.

Also, once they have completed the bond, they can feel eachothers emotions completely.

Such as, happiness, love, lust, fear, everything really.

When they feel eachothers emotions it's not like just generally feeling something, but it's like feeling emotions coming from you soulmates mark, if that makes sence.

That would be it really, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask away!

The next charpter will be uploaded soon!

Have a lovely day!❤️

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