iii, Богиня

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"Sit down." Hope told Pietro, gesturing towards her bed.

"I thought you said no sex?-"

"Pietro. I love you, but i am really fucking close to smashing your head against the wall so you listen for once in your life." Hope spoke in annoyance.

"I love you too, Princessa." He smiled cheekily.

"That's the only thing you heard?" Hope asked in annoyance.

"I hear what i want to hear." Pietro smirked.

"So i've noticed." Hope rolled her eyes.

"Okay, okay. You said no sex, but can we activate the bond?" Pietro asked pleadingly.

"I thought you'd never ask." Hope smirked.

. . .

And activate the bond they did.

Pietro smirked back at Hope and grabbed her by her hips, pulling her towards himself.

He laid back, so she could straddle his hips.

He then flipped her over, so she was now laying flat on her back and he was hovering above her.

"You have to bite me, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, is that okay?" She asked.

"Perfect." He smirked,"Just like you." He added, leaning down to present his neck to her.

Hope planted several soft kisses along his neck, before sucking on the spot she would bite into.

She sucked for a bit, before carefully piercing his skin with her sharp fangs, as he let out a gasp at the mixed sentation of pain and pleasure.

Hope soon pulled away, not wanting another Natasha incedent, before biting into her wrist, and presenting it to him.

He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and forearm, before beginning to suck on the wound, as their bond seemed to halfway snap into place, making an euphoric feeling to wash over them both.

Once the wound was fully healed, the speedster pulled away from the tribrid's wrist.

Hope smiled up at him, which he returned, before Hope wiped a drop of blood from his lips, as he took her thumb into his mouth, and slightly sucked on it, making her smirk.

"Sorry, Elskan, but we won't complete the bond today." Hope declined the unspoken offer.

"But why?" Pietro whined childishly, dropping onto her bed next to her.

"Because it will make you sick. We can do it tomorrow though." Hope smirked.

"Done. Tomorrow." Pietro accepted quickly.

"Good." Hope smiled, before planting a soft kiss onto his lips.

"If you go to sleep, time will go by faster." She offered.

"Fine." He grumbled, scooting closer towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist in a protecting manner, placing his head onto her chest, as she ran her left hand trough his hair while her right hand rubbed his back.

Now, Hope was asleep on her back, her arms still wrapped around Pietro, as his head was on her chest, his arms also still wrapped around her waist, and he was just as asleep as her.

But that was interrupted by a call.

If someone isn't dead, kidnapped, or about to die, they will be all three real soon.

"What?" Hope snapped quietly.

"Hello to you too, munchkin." Kai said over call.

"What do you want, dickhead?" Hope hissed.

"Open the door, cupcake!" Wade spoke.

"No, go get a life!" Hope whispered in annoyance.

"Why are you whispering?" Kai whispered.

"Isn't it obvious? She either got laid or is about to." Wade whispered, making them both giggle.

He knows too much.


"I'm gonna kill you." Hope threatened.

"I'm immortal, so no." Wade laughed.

"And you love me wayyyy too much." Kai replied cockily.

"On your left." Hope said, making them both turn around.

"No, no. Left. You turned to the right." Hope said, knowing they're both idiots, making them then to the left.

"No, no, behind you." Hope said.

"Where are you? We can't see you!" They said.

"Oh, i'm not even there, i'm still in my bed, the thought of you spinning in circles like complete idiots was just very funny to me." Hope laughed, before hanging up as they began to curse at her.

"Goodmorning, Princessa." Pietro spoke in his raspy, low morning vouce.

Morning voices are so damn hot

I know, right?

You sound like Wade.


Only if you come too.

No, i wanna get rid of you.

I am you.

And that's why i harm myself.

You do?

Why the hell do you think there's a lighter in my top bathroom shelf, behind the spare toilet peper rolls? For fun?

Makes sense.

"Goodmorning, Speedy." Hope ran her fingers trough his hair before pecking his forehead as he looked up at her.

"You look very pretty from here." He smiled cheekily.

"You look handsome from all angles." She smirked.

"Just let me compliment you!" He whined.

"No." She smiled.

"Fine, then i'll compliment you in my head." He smirked.

"You know there are mind reading spells and all, right?" Hope smiled at him.

"Damn it." He cursed.

"Sucks for you, huh?" She smirked in truimph.

"Не очень. Я могу тоже просто на другом языке говорить. (Not really. I can also just speak on another language.)" He smirked.

"Pietro!" Hope whined.

"Ты токая красивая, ты выглядишь как богиня. Моя богиня. (You are so beautiful, you look like a godess. My godess.)" He smiled up at her with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"That sounded so hot... i think i'm in love with you." Hope spoke teasingly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"And i am very much sure that i am in love with you." He smiled, placing his hands on her waist and flipping them over so he was laying flat on his back and she was straddling his hips, before she smashed her lips into his.

"Ты и правда йесть богиня. (You truly are a godess.)" He uttured against her lips.

"What is that... boginja word you keep saying?" Hope asked in genuine curiosity.

"It's pronounced baginja and it means goddess." He smiled sheepishly.

"Honestly, i know. I learned a bit of russian in school, and i know what that word means, it just sounds so hot coming from you." She smirked, which he returned, before their lips collided again.

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