ii, Last ressurection

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"Can't you count to two or why did you bring three humans here?" Hope asked her uncle in annoyance. "You can have these two, this pretty lady is my nee play toy." Kol smirked, oulling the young blonde girl towards himself by her arm. "Gross." Hope muttured. "What, you've never had a play toy?" Kol frowned. "I did but it is disgusting considering what you're going to do with it- her." Hope corrected herself. "Did you just call her an it?" Kol asked his niece in amusement. "No, you just usually refer to toys as an 'it' and we were calling her a toy- force of habit. My apologies." Hope explained for herself.

"Right." Kol nodded, unconvinced, but didn't comment anything on that anymore. "Anyways, where is everyone else?" He changed the subject. "Everyone is in their lessons, Bucky's asleep, Mom and uncle Elijah are... busy... and dad is also asleep." Hope said. "Hayley and Elijah are busy? How do you know? The walls are soundproof." Kol asked. "Yeah, but they didn't lock their door... i knocked on their door repeatedly and when they didn't anwser after the thrid time i walked in and..." Hope trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes at the disgusting image in her head.

Kol however burst out laughing.

"I- i can't believe it! You- you walked- walked in on them?!" Kol asked in between laughter. "How was it?" Kol then asked. "She was tied to the bed and he slapped her on the ass- Gosh! That was- is- disgusting!" Hope cried, burying her face in her palms.

Kol hugged his niece, caressing her back comfortingly, until she pulled back.

"Anyways, we've got a doppelwhore and an ex ripper to ressurect." Hope changed the subject, sitting in an all to familair circle of candles, while Kol threw one of the sacrifices into the other.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito." She chanted, and ignored the all to familiar screams of agony, just like the day before, and the day before that.

Soon, she felt the spell worked, opening her eyes, withoot needing someone to shake her back into reality. "Stefan." Kol spat, the hatred clear in his voice. "Kol?" Stefan asked in confusion. "Hello, Stefan. I am Hope, a friend of your niece." Hope said. "My niece?" Stefan asked. "Stephanie Salvatore. Your niece. Give me a minute, i will ressurect the doppelwho- i mean doppelgänger and she can explain everything to you." Hope said, and Stefan nodded.

Kol threw the second sacrifice into the circle of candles, while Hopr closed her eyes again and started to chant yet again.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito." Hope chanted, yet again ignoring the screams of agony, and opened her eyes once she felt the spell was done.

Once Stefan and Elena saw one another, they immediately embraced one another, greatful to dee eachother again.

Just then, Stephanie came inside the room. "Mom?" She asked. "Steph?" Elena asked, before speeding towards her daughter, immediately embracing her. "Mommy!" Stephanie sobbed into her mothers arms. "It's okay, it's okay." Elena soothed her daughter.

"Do you like her?" Hope asked her uncle, gesturing towards the doppelgänger. "Why would i like the brother hopping bitch?" Kol asked in confusion, making Hope laugh.

"Alright, as much as i hate do break this... whatever this is, we've got a no-humanity Salvatore, a no-humanity barbie and an ancient witch to find." Hope interrupted the trio infront of her. "Alright, come on, let's go to miss Caroline." Stephanie smiled. "Caroline?" Stefan asked. "Yes, Caroline Forbes. She changed her last name back after your death because she couldn't bare remembering you everytime someone called her by her last name." Stephanie explained to her uncle, and he nodded, before eagerly following after his daughter, wanting nothing more than to see one of his two mates.

"Is he..." Kol trailed off. "Also Carolines soulmate? Yes, he just kept resisting both bonds for the doppelgänger." Hope told him, and Kol shook his head. "Him of all should know that doppelgänger business doesn't end good." Kol said. "They don't learn, apparently. A pretty, young, familiar face is all it takes." Hope shrugged.

"I can't believe him. He has two soulmates, one of them being my sister, and he had the luck to find them only a century after he was born, and he doesn't cherish it and resists the bond for some doppelgänger while i found my mate a thausand years later and she is dead!" Kol complained. "We'll ressurect Davina. I promise." Hope assured him. "When?" He asked. "As soon as you bring me a sacrifice." Hope smirked, and Kol immediately sped out of the room.

Hope then went back to her dorm, as soon as she opened the door, she sae Bucky sitting up in the bed, his one hand on her side of the bed, sweating and his heartbeat faster than usual. "Bucky?" She voiced, catching his attention.

As soon as he saw her, he got up from the bed and ran towards her, and into her arms. "I was worried..." He uttured into her neck. "Why?" She asked in confusion. "I had a nightmare that... that hydra got you and when i woke up you weren't next to me..." He whispered, tightening his arms around her waist. "Shhh, it's okay, i was just doing more ressurection spells. One more for today and then we can go back to New York." She said, and he nodded.

She then heard a knock on the door, and whoever was infront of it, didn't wait and just walked inside. It was Kol with the blonde woman from before. "I forgot we had her. Use her." He said, slightly panting. "Okay, come on." She said, and snapped her fingers so Bucky was ready to go.

The trio entered the room where they'd been doing the ressurection spells for the past few days.

Kol pushed the blonde into the circle of candles for the sacrifice, while Hope entered the one she has been casting the spell in.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas, phesmatos, ex salito." She chanted, now barely recognizing the screams of agony of the sacrifice, being already used to it.

Once she felt the spell was done, she opened her eyes, revealing Kol clinging onto a crying Davina. "Why is that so disgustingly adorable?" Hope asked herself, and Davina turned around, still in Kol's arms, and looked at Hope with a smile and tear stained cheeks. "Hope!" She smiled. "Hey there, witchy." Hope smilef, before jogging towards the pair and hugging Davina. "I missed you." Davina smiled. "I missed you too." Hope smiled aswell.

"Well, this was nice and all but i need to return to the rest of my mates. I haven't seen them in days!" Hope said. "Tell the others i love them and that in case they want to see me, i'm in the Avengers tower. They can just compell their way inside." Hope finished. "Alright. I will see you soon, darling." Kol smiled, hugging his niece before she sped out with Bucky, quickly packing the few things that aren't in their suitcases anymore and then the pair walked out of the boarding school.

Once they were outside, a black car was already waiting for them, and they entered, and Hope told the compelled driver that they wanted to go to the airport, and he complied, driving there as quick as possible.

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