ii, it's back

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I honestly don't know how i finsished this charpter so fast, i only needed like an hour to write it, including small breaks, which is pretty weird.

Enzo parked Hope's car by John Walker's apartment, before they got out of it and both looked around.

When they saw that no one was there, Enzo jumped up to the second floor, and crashed trough one of John's windows, before opening it from the inside.

Hope then jumped up, as Enzo held the broken window open for her.

"My lady." He smirked, as she climbed inside with an eye roll.

"Why thank you, my lord." She spoke teasingly.

Enzo then listened in closer for a heartbeat, and when he didn't find one he sighed.

"Waiting it is, then." The two started to walk out of the bedroom they broke into, and went into the livingroom. Enzo flopped onto the couch as Hope sat on the kitchen counter and as soon as she unlocked her phone, she was bombarded with unread messages and missed calls.

27 Missed calls from dad❤️

5 missed calls from mom❤️

9 missed calls from Vina🧙‍♀️🧿

297 missed calls from Rippah uncle🧛🧛

11 missed calls from Auntie Bexie🧛‍♀️🩸

75 missed calls from Nobility 🕴️🩸

92727 unread messages from dad❤️

8 unread mesages from mom❤️

718 unread messages from Vina🧙‍♀️🧿

916 unread messages from Rippah uncle🧛🧛

7026 unread messages from Auntie Bexie🧛‍♀️🩸

24 unread messages from Nobility🕴️🩸

"Seriously?" She uttured, before calling Elijah, knowing he would be the calmest to talk to out of everyone, since Davina would be over excited or freaking out, and so would be Rebekah, although she could be pissed too, her mom would be very, very pissed, her dad would ramble about how worried he was, Kol would be scolding her for letting her dad almost dagger him because he was so worried and Kol tried to joke, and Freya didn't know how to use her phone properly, so she was probably trying a locator spell right now.

"What the fuck even happened?" She uttured, as she waited for her noble uncle to pick up.

"Hope? Hope, are you alright?" Her uncle asked as soon as he picked up.

"I'm fine, why wouldn't i be? What happened?" She asked.

"The hollow, it is back! You're in John Walker's apartment right now, right? Run, now. The Hollow has corrupted him!" Elijah explained hurriedly.

"What? No! That's not possible! The hollow is gone!" Hope argued.

"Hope, run!" He yelled, and just then, she heard the front door unlock.

"Enzo! Car, now! Hurry!" She yelled, before speeding into the living room, she grabbed his hand and sped the two of them back into the bedroom they had broken into, before jumping out of the window, still holding onto his hand, as she hurriedly unlocked the car.

The two quickly got into the car, Hope now in the driver's seat as she hurriedly started the car and sped off.

"What even happened?" He asked.

"The hollow, it's back. It corrupted John." She explained hurriedly.

"The hollow? What is that?" He asked, although his tone sounded sarcastic, and there was a hint of a chuckle in his words.

"The hollow is- What is so funny?" She asked in a mix of confusion and anger.

"It's just fun to see how afraid you are of me." He smiled psychotically.

"No." She breathed out in disbelief.

"Good to see you yet again, Hope Andrea Mikaelson." He smirked.

. . .

Hope started driving faster, before stopping in the middle of the forest.

Once the car was parked in the middle of the forest, she sped out of it, locking the doors, so Enzo, well, the Hollow was trapped in it, before starting to chant several spells to keep him in there.

"Inteo." She quickly chanted a boundry spell, but Enzo rolled his eyes, and chanted something else instead.

"Solvet." He removed it.


"Solvet." He laughed.

"Clostrium-" "-Solvet" They chanted at the same time, making them grunt as the two opposte spells pralled against one another.

"Bu-" Hope went to chant yet another boundry spell, but Enzo, or more like the Hollow, was quicker.

"Ah sha lana." He chanted, as he slammed his feet against the car door, making it fly off, and he got out of the car, his hand extended towards Hope, who groaned in pain and clutched her head in her hands, slowly walking backwards, until her back hit against a tree.

He clenched his hand into a fist, making Hope's headache become more intense, as she groaned yet again.

"Pondas." He then chanted, making her scream in pain, as she fell to her knees at the unbearable pain.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you. I will make you watch how i kill every single one of your soulmates, then your parents, then your uncles and aunts, and then your little friends. Then i will torture you for several decades and kill you off." He laughed darkly.

"All that in your little friends body of course. To make it more painful. And don't worry, i will switch in between your family, friends and mates." He laughed.

"Of course i will make you torture them too. Never without that." He added, cleanching his fist together as hard as he could, as Hope screamed at the top of her lungs at the worsening pain, as tears streamed down her face.

"Come on. Try and fight back." He mocked her, as her agonizing screams became louder.

Her hands clutched her head tighter, and when she couldn't take it anymore, she quickly snapped her own neck with all of her willpower left, as she fell to the ground, unconsious, making Enzo, no. The hollow sigh.

"How tragic." He mocked, before picking Hope up and starting to walk towards the hotel she was staying in along with Derek.

"I will make all of you beg for death." He whispered.

"I would like to see you try." An, to him, unfamilar voice said, and he turned around, only to see an unfamiliar figure standing there, glaring at him.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" The figure spoke mockingly, with a fake pout, as another one came to stand besides him.

"And who is that?" The hollow asked.

"You'll find that out later." The second figure said, before the two charged at the hollow.

The first figure grabbed Hope as the second grabbed the hollow by it's neck, and snapped Enzo's neck.

"I will burn that damn hollow." He first figure uttured.

"You do that." The second figure nodded.

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