iv, Granny

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"We have to order you some... stuff." Lizzie said, as she was walking infront of the Avengers, along with Josie, Wade, Stephanie, Rebekah and Hope.

"How about no?" Hope declined.

"How about yes? Come on! You have sixteen soulmates! You need at least some stuff!" Wade chimed in.

"No, no, no, and did i mention no." Hope shook her head in dissaproval.

"What's your size of pants?" Stephanie asked, scrolling trough something on her phone. "Why do you care?" Hope asked in confusion.

Rebekah sighed in annoyance and sped behind her niece, grabbing into the waistband of Hope's jeans, and flipped it down a bit, as Hope yelped, trying to swat her hands away.

"Size M." She deadpanned, letting go of Hope's jeans, as the brunette rolled her eyes, and straightened it again.

Stephanie seemed to press something on her mobile phone, before pressing on the corner of it, typing something and starting to scroll again. "Shirt size?" She asked.

Hope side eyed her aunt, to make sure she wouldn't do anything again, before moving her gaze back onto Stephanie.

"Also M." She replied unwillingly.

"What do you need my sizes for?" Hope asked. "You know... stuff..." Stephanie looked up from her phone, smirking at Hope.

"You did not."

"I did."

"Cancel the order!"


"Fine. Don't. I'm not wearing shit, though." Hope shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest and looking into the other direction.

"Mhm. Right." Lizzie giggled.

"Right..." Josie giggled along with her.

"We'll see, huh?" Stephanie smirked.

"We will." Rebekah smirked too.

"Anyway, have you already completed the bond with some?" Wade asked.

"I have." Hope admitted.

"Oh! With who?" He asked, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Bucky." She deadpanned.

"Please don't tell me your first time was in the boarding school!" Stephanie groaned.

"Our first time... wasn't in the boarding school?" Hope obviously lied, making it even more obvious by the question in her voice, as the twins and Stephanie groaned.

"They did it in the same buliding as us!" Josie cried, as Lizzie fake gagged, while Rebekah laughed, and Hope rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, Marcel and i did it right next door of Klaus' room and the walls weren't even soundproof." Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"He heard you?" Wade asked in disbelief, clearly enjoying the whole situation.

"I am pretty sure he left the house the second he heard us enter my bedroom." Rebekah laughed.

. . .

"Miss Mikaelson, mister Stark told me to inform you of a package arriving that is for you. Would you like for someone to bring it to your room?" The AI'd voice rang trough the gym, as Hope, Pietro and Wanda were standing in the gym.

Well, more like Wanda was sitting on one of the benches while Hope and Pietro were standing in the ring, training.

"Yeah, tell Happy to bring it up." Hope said. "My apologies but Happy isn't currently available. Would you like someone else to bring it?" Froday suggested. "Fine, let someone else bring it, but if the person stays in my room for more than half a minute you tell me. Okay?" She ordered. "Of course, miss Mikaelson." The AI said, and Hope nodded at Pietro, silently telling him to attack, which he did.

The rules were to only use speed, no other powers, since it wouldn't be fair otherwise.

Pietro sped towards Hope, and Hope easily jumped out of the way, making him stumble foward. "How do you always see me coming?" He complained. "It's easy because of the blue blur." Hope shrugged.

"Can you see vampire's coming that well too?" Wanda asked. "No. They don't have a blue blur." Hope explained.

"So any vampire can easily see me coming?" Pietro whined.

"Not if you can make that blue blur thingy go away." Hope shrugged.

"Well, how about you fight against me, darling. I don't have a blue blur." Loki smirked, appearing between Hope and Pietro out of no where. "You can teleport! Obviously there is no blur!" Pietro argued. "It does leave that green portal-like thingy though." Hope shrugged.

"Do you accept my challange?" Loki asked. "Fine. Let's fight then." Hope agreed, as Pietro sped out of the ring, and sat on the bench next to his sister.

"Rules?" She asked.

"None." Loki smirked cockily.

"Done." Hope shrugged.

"Done." Loki agreed.

"You first." Hope said, and Loki threw a punch, only for her to catch his fist easily. "That's it?" She asked, humor laced in her voice.

Suddenly, Loki dissapeared, and she heard his hearbeat behind her.

He grabbed her shoulder, and she grabbed his hand, and ducked, yanking at his hand, making him fly over her back, flalling onto his back by her feet.

She stepped towards him, and placed her boot onto his chest.

"Are we counting to three or what?" She asked.

"No one is knocked out yet, right?" Loki smirked, dissapearing yet again, making Hope roll her eyes, and turn around, facing three smirking Loki's.

"Fine. Until one is out? You got it." Hope said, before speeding towards the Loki's, and past them, making sure to touch every single one, and grab the real one, pressing him against the floor, grabbing his jaw with her hand, and pressing him against the foor by his chest with the other.

"Sleep until i tell you to wake up." She compelled him, and watched as his muscles relaxed, and his eyes fluttered closed.

"I suppose i won?" She asked, standing up and turning to face the Maximoff twins.

"You did. And you won my heart." Pietro smirked, speeding towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead.

"I am glad you have found love, my dear." A strong, female voice rang trough the room.

"You..." Hope said, looking at the elder, blonde woman, that was standing in the doorway.

"Hello my darling."

"Are you a pedophile? Because you sure as hell sound like one right now, granny."

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