i, Kidnapping

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Hope was in the livingroom of the Mikaelson manison, with Freya, Klaus, Elijah, Kol and Marcel gathered around her, while the rest was still asleep.

She was sitting on the couch, and a map was on the table infront of her.

"You should use your blood, you have a connection with them after all." Freya pointed out, and Hope nodded, biting into her wrist, and letting some blood flood onto the map.

Hope closed her eyes in concentration, before starting to chant.

"Phesmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem. Phesmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem." She chanted, as the blood started to move, until it came to a stop amd dropped besides the map, on the table. "What does that mean?" Hope asked in panic. "Well, we know for a fact that a witch has them. A powerful one at that. They're cloaked." Freya said. "So what do we do now?" Hope asked in even more panic.

"Let's try to break the cloaking spell together. Come on." Freya offered, sitting besides her niece on the couch, taking her hand in her own.

"Okay." Hope breathed out.

"Phesmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sangeuinem. Phesmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sangeuinem. Phesmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sangeuinem." They chanted in synic, until Marcel tapped their shoulders, signaling for them to stop.

The duo opened their eyes, revealing the blood on a place in the world map.

"Armenia? Fucking hell!" Hope yelled, getting up in frustration, and flipping the table over.

Freya quickly got up and took a few steps away from her niece, as she threw the couch against a wall in anger.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Kol. A map of Armenia. Now." Klaus said, and the younger Original nodded, speeding off to get the required map.

"It's alright. We'll find them, even on the moon." Klaus calmed her, embracing her in his arms, and she relaxed into his embrace.

"Thank you, dad." She whispered.

. . .

"They're in Erevan. The capital of Armenia." Marcel informed everyone in the room.

"How long do we need to get there?" Davina asked. "Half an hour to the airport, three hours to fly there and probably about an hour to their exact location." Elijah said, being the smart one as usual.

"Woah, woah, woah, what do you mean we? You're not going!" Hope argued. "Yes we are!" Klaus argued. "Nope." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "No-" "Enogh." Hayley interruped. "We are going. End of discussion." Hayley finished. "No." Hope argued. "It could be dangerous." She said. "That's exactly why we're going!" Marcel said. "I'm the most immortal of all of us. The weapon that can kill me is gone. Meanwhile there are more than enough stakes to kill normal vampires and witches, and probably enough white oak stakes." Hope said. "Then i'm going. I am the Original Hybrid." Klaus said. "And i am the only Tribrid." Hope argued. "The more we argue the more time we loose. I'm going alone." Hope said, before speeding out of the manison.

"Are we following her?" Kol asked.

"Of course we are, idiot." Klaus rolled his eyes.

. . .

With the Avengers

Once the Avengers woke up, they all looked around in confusion, only to see a boy about Hope's age walkimg in circles around them.

"Landon?" Bucky asked, remembering his mate's ex and friend. "Good morning, there." He smirked. "What the hell?" Natasha asked.

"They're awake!" Landon then shouted, and the Avenegrs heard the only door in the room open, amd then they heard the klicks of heeles, and an elder woman with Black hair revealed herself. "They broke the cloaking spell. It's only a matter of time until they come." The woman spoke. "Noted. Is there anything else i can do for you, miss Dahlia?" Landon asked. "Yes. please do get Silas in here." She ordered, and the guy nodded like an obedient puppy and immediately left the room to follow the woman's orders.

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