v, I'm a Mikaelson witch

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Hope came to the cafe five minutes earlier, and sat at one of the tables, as a waiter came over.

"Hi, are you ready to order or do you need some time?" He asked kindly.

"Hi! I'll have two lattes, one with no sugar and the other with two. Also, i'd like two of those chocolate cakes. That would be it." She smiled.

"Sure. Coming right up." He smiled back, before walking off.

Hope took her phone out of her pocket to check the time.

Three more minutes.

But just then she saw someone in the corner of her eyes, sitting on the seat infront of her.

Hope looked up, only to see a certain redhead with a smirk on her face.

Hope smiled at her, and put her phone away.

"Hi!" Hope smiled.

"Hey." Natasha smiled back.

"How are you?" Hope asked, her gaze staying on the bandage on the side of Natasha's neck for longer than necessary.

"I'm fine. It can come off soon. Bruce only makes me wear it outside, so it doesn't get infected." Natasha assured her.

"That's good to know." Hope smiled, as the waiter came back with her order.

"Thanks." Hope smiled, and he nodded, returning the smile, and walking off after olacing it on the table.

Hope slid one of the pieces of cake to Natasha, who smiled at her.

Hope then grabbed one of the small knives, looking around to make sure no one was looking.

She then cut her palm open, before squeezing her hand so a couple drops of blood would fall into the coffe with sugar in it.

She then cleaned the bloodied knive on a napkin, before folding it so the bood wasn't visible.

She placed the knive back onto the table, before sliding the cup over to Natasha.

"That should help."

"Thank you." The spy smiled, sipping on the cup.

"You can't taste it at all in the coffee." Natasha said, impressed.

"You can. There is no actual sugar in the coffee. I put just enough in for it to taste like three sugars." Hope said.

"Wow..." Natasha mumbled.

"Why is it sweet?" She then asked.

"It's a soulmate thing. I once had to heal Lizzie. It didn't taste too well for her." Hope stopped herself from speaking further, holding back a laugh at the memory.

"She puked right after the blood healed her." She giggled, shaking her head.

"I already feel better. Thank you." Natasha smiled.

"No. Thank you for not being scared." Hope smiled sadly.

"Did you wanna talk about it?" Natasha asked.

"A friend and i are currently trying to find out what exactly happened... we already know what might've triggered it but we're about to test it." Hope said.

"Care to share?" The redhead asked.

"No?" The brunette said, which sounded more like a question, making Natasha shake her head with a small smile.

. . .

Enzo and Hope were currently walking in the Whitmore collage, as they looked for doctor Wes.

Hope cast a spell on Enzo, mostly changing his facial features, so he wouldn't be recognized.

"What does that Wes guy look like?" Hope asked.

"Like a psychotic dickhead." Enzo said, as they looked into yet another class room.

"Very helpful, fossil mosquito."

"You know what? Let's ask the principal or something. He might aswell be sick. Or even better, dead." Hope offered.

"Fine. Do you know where the office is?" Enzo asked.

"Does it look like i do? Let's ask a student." Hope rolled her eyes, as they walked trough the halls to ask somebody.

. . .

A nice girl, called Ava brought the two to the office, Enzo knocked on the door, and opened it once they heard a 'come in' from inside.

The two walked inside, and put on fake smiles.

"Hi! My name is Hope, and i was looking for doctor Wes? Him and my father used to be very close, but he has passed recently, so i'd like to invite him to the funeral." Hope smiled.

"Oh yes! I am very sorry for your loss, and i can call him in here. How about you wait outside for him?" The woman smiled kindly, which Hope returned.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." She smiled, before grabbing Enzo's hand and leading him out.

"How did you come up with a story so quickly?" Enzo asked in amusement.

"It's something called a brain. Not that you would know anything of it." Hope sassed, as Enzo rolled his eyes.

"I know more about it than you do, witch." He said.

"You're acting like it's an insult." She rolled her eyes.

"Damn you for not taking it as one."

"I'm a Mikaelson witch. That is more of an honor than it is an insult."

"He keeps you down here because he thinks you want to kill him. Do you?" A seven-year-old Hope Mikaelson asked Marcel Gerard.

"Listen..." He paused.

"I will tell you anything you wanna know, okay?" He spoke.

"If you give me some blood from your dad's stash." He added.

"I'm seven, not stupid." The girl spoke, making him let out a small scoff-like noise. "Well.." He straightened his posture. "And also pretty courageous." He said. "Come down here and talk to a stranger." He added.

"I'm not scared. I'm a Mikaelson witch." She raised her chin proudly.

"Hello. I'm doctor Wes. You asked for me?" A man came up to the two, as Enzo stared at him coldly.

"Hi! I'm Hannah! And i really need to talk to you. Can we take this somewhere private?" She spoke sweetly, using a fake name since he could maybe recognize her real name, since he seemed to know a lot about vampires.

"Of course, sweetheart. Lead the way." He smirked, completely ignoring Enzo's presence.

Hope then lead the two into an empty classroom, before gesturing for Enzo to stay by the door.

"My name is Hope Mikaelson. And this is my friend Lorenzo." She smirked, as she lifted the spell off of Enzo.

"12144?" The doctor asked in fear.

"Hello doctor Wes." Enzo smirked, now in his realy body.

"Yeah. Hello doctor Wes. Now, how about we talk about business." Hope suggested.

"W-what business?" Wes asked.

"The whatever you gave me, before i activated the bond with soulmate." Enzo growled.

"I-i have no idea what you're t-talking about!" The doctor stuttured i fear.

"I say we take him to my house and bleed him out of vervain." Hope said to Enzo.

"I'd like nothing more." Enzo smirked.

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