iv, Out of control

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"Do you want to hurt me?" A blonde woman asked Hope, tears running down her face in fear of what the tribrid might do to her.

"I really don't.." Hope whispered, with tears in her eyes.

"Then don't!" The blode whispered hopefully.

"But i have to, love." Hope spoke lowly, caressing the blonde's cheek.

"What's your name?" Hope asked. "Mandy." The blonde replied fearfully.

"Mandy... do you understand that my soulmates are the Avengers? You understand, right?" Hope asked, a tear escaping her eyes.

"I do..." The blonde nodded. "They are heroes... i'm a villain. A monster." Hope spoke, desperation clear in her voice as another tear escaped her eye.

"Y-you aren't... you can be better!" The blonde tried to convince Hope.

"One of them even told me i'm destinied to he a whore... my mom told me that once too... that makes me sad... do you understand?" Hope asked, as the blonde nodded.

"I-i... i hurt one of my soulmates... i didn't want to... i was feeding from her to activate the bond... but i suddenly got so angry... i hurt her..." Hope cried.

"I hurt her and i don't know why..." Hope whispered.

"Maybe something... happened and you just can't remember?" Mandy whispered. "Maybe..." Hope cried, her thumb caressing the blonde's cheek.

"P-please don't hurt me..." Mandy cried.

"I don't want to hurt you... but even before i was born everyone said i will be a monster!" Hope cried. "I'm sick and tired of trying to prove them wrong when they're right." Hope said.

"Please don't!" Mandy cried, just as Hope sank her fangs into her neck, making Mandy cry out in pain.

Hope gasped awake, her body jolting up into a sitting position.

"Why did i do that?" Hope whispered angrily at herself, recalling what she did to the innocent young woman, just to let her frustration out.

"I really fucking am a monster!" The girl whispered angrily, her hands clenching into fists on top of the matress.

"Fucking hell..." She groaned, punching her headboard un frustration, as it cracked.

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

. . .

"Who the hell are you?" Hope asked, as a body of a brunette man dropped, and she turned around, wiping a small drop of blood from her mouth.

"Lorenzo. But my friends call me Enzo." A hot, also brunette man smirked.

"The Enzo." Hope recalled the man that's called her, telling her to meet her in this warehouse.

"No, the other one." He smirked sarcastically, making her roll her eyes.

"Why am i here?" Hope asked, dropping onto the couch, crossing her legs over one another.

"Soulmate trouble?" He asked.


"Lost control while activating the bond?"

"How do you know that?"

"That happened to me."

. . .

"So, let me get this straight. You were tortured for like a million years by some douchebag organization called Augustine that has a grudge against vampires, and you happen to be one. Correct?" Hope asked. "Correct." Enzo confirmed.

"And one of your torturers happened to be your soulmate. Correct?" She held back a laugh. "Correct." He sighed. "Damn, that's brutal." She smirked. "Screw you." He shook his head.

"Anyways. You at some point activated the bond but the same shit that happened to me, happened to you. You also lost control..." She said.

"Well, yes, it could be of the starvation but i've had three bloodbags before we activated the bond." He shrugged.

"Three bloodbags she brought with her?"


"So there could be some stuff in that. Other than blood." Hope said.

"Could be." He agreed.

"So you think someone did that to me?" She asked.

"It's not impossible." He shrugged.

. . .

"So... Enzo... how did you survive after the baby brother of your ex best friend ripped your heart out?" Hope asked, sipping on a glass of burbon.

"I didn't. But a certain witch brought me back." He smiled.

"Ouh! Now i'm listening." Hope smirked.

"My second mate. Bonnie Bennet." He said.

"Ouh! A Bennet witch! Fancy!" Hope smirked, making him chuckle as he sipped on his tea.

"How come you ordered a tea in a bar anyway?" She laughed.

"In case it wasn't obvious, i'm british." He rolled his eyes. "My dad is too, he doesn't drink so much tea." She pointed out.

"He's not british, he's just old as fuck." Enzo laughed. "True true." Hope laughed.

. . .

"Hope!" The two new found friends heard someone yell from behind them, and when they turned they saw Wade running towards then, literally jumping at Hope, embracing her into the tightest of hugs.

"Who's that guy! You know i'm your only bestie, right?" Wade pouted.

"Correction, my only male, annoying, murderious, psycho, almost sociopathal bestie." Hope smirked.

"You know other 'male, annoying, morderious, psycho, almost sociopathal' people?" Wade asked.

"I know another male, annoying, murderious sociopath. Yes." Hope laughed.

"Call him! He's my new official bestie!" Wade smiled childishly, jumping up and down while clapping his hands.

"I thought that was me?" Hope pouted playfully.

"He is my 'male, annoying, murderious sociopath' bestie. You're my 'female, badass, powerful, stylish, adorable and fun' bestie!" Wade rolled his eyes.

"Touche." Hope smiled.

. . .

"Who's this?" Hope heard a male voice on the other side of the line.

"It's Hope. Remember me?"

"Hope! Oh my god! I missed you! Where are you?!" Kai asked excitedly. "No, we're not gonna kill a bunch of people for fun. My humanity is on again, Kai." Hope rolled her eyes. "Awww..." She could almost hear Kai pout at the other side of the line.

"I have a friend that is interested in being friends with you though. Remember how you always said that you want deadpool as your bestie because he seems fun? Well, that's him." Hope said. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Kai yelled excitedly. "Where and when?" He asked.

"New york, central park, tomorrow afternoon." Hope said.

"I'll give you his number." She finished.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Kai clapped his hands, before hanging up on the call.

"I'll sent him your number." Hope told Wade.


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