iv, Humanity on

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Hope was laying in her bed in her hotel room, staring at the ceiling as she thought about what happened a few hours before.

"Hurt me, Hope! Let it out on me!" Klaus shouted. "Shut up." The tribrid whispered. "Let it out! Come on! You don't have anything to lose!" The man yelled. "Shut up!" Hope said, now louder. "Give me your anger, Hope!" He shouted, making her scream in frustration and anger, before extending her hand towards him and quickly moving her arm to the side, making her father fly into a wall with a grunt.

"Keep going!" He demanded, and she did as she was told.

She threw him against another wall, with another frustrated scream, before picking him up in the air with still the same magic force as before, before abtrubly throwing her arm down, making him fall trough the floor because of the force of Hope's magic.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?!" She yelled, before throwing him into another wall, but now with her superspeed and strenght.

"I hate you!" She screamed, before throwing him onto the ground again, as he was gasping for air.

"Leave. Now." She demanded, but no one moved.

"Leave now or i will kill every single one of you!" She yelled, but still, no one moved.

"I swear to everything holy i will shove white oak stakes up your original asses, and rip all of your insides out and wear them like the lates trend!" She threataned.

"Leave me the hell alone!" She screamed, before throwing all of them against the wall behind them with her power.

"Go." She said, and they all complied, the ones with superspeed picking up one person each, before speeding off.

"I hate all of you." Hope finally whispered.

She doesn't.

She really doesn't hate them.

Because she doesn't do feel anymore.

She them finally closed her eyes, and a few minutes later, she driften into a deep slumber.

. . .

"Dad?" A little Hope Mikaelson asked, fear laced him her voice when she saw the back of her father, two dead bodies laying infront of him.

He turned around, revealing his blood covered face, short and hands.

"Dad..?" She asked againc, taking a fearful step back. "Get out!" He screamed at the top of his lounges, making her flinch, but she did as she was told and ran out of the room, tears falling down her cheeks.

'What did i do?' She asked herself.

'Did i do something wrong?'

'I just wanted to ask dad if he wanted to paint with me.'

The redheaded girl ran into her room, locking it, before climbing into her bed and hidimg beneath the blankets, hoping it wi shield her from the horrific memory of her father covered in blood, screaming at her to get out.

'What did i do wrong?'

'He never yelled at me like that!'

'There was so, so, so much blood.'

And with that, the small girl cried herself to sleep, the horrific memories playing over and over in her mind.

The Tribrid gasped awake, her form shooting up into a sitting position, her eyes wide in horror.

What did i do?

I killed so many innocents!

I hurt dad!

I hurt my soulmates...

All of those thoughts flooded into her mind as her humanity switch flipped back on withour her permission, which she was still greatful for.

What did i do?

Why did i even turn it off?

I didn't even let them speak and just immediately turned it off!

What is wrong with me?

The young woman buried her face in her knees, as her arms hugged her legs, as tears fell down her cheeks.

Why would i do that?

Why did it not turn back on when i hurt them?

How could i even hurt them in the first place?

The silent tears turned into sobs, and those desperate sobs turned into gasps for air.

What did i do? What did i do? What did i do?

She heard her door burst open but she couldn't move.

Her body shook as she gasped for air, and she felt her head being lifted up.

"It's okay, love. It's okay." She heard a familiar, soothing, yet muffled voice.

She then heard a sickening scrunch and then everything went black.

. . .

With Klaus

Freya was casting some spell that was supposed to bring Hope back, so all the Mikaelsons were waiting for her to be done.

She opened her eyes, and looked at her siblings and some of their soulmates.

"Done. Let's go." She said, and all the vampires immediately sped off, leaving Freya and Davina where they were.

Klaus was the first one to arrive at Hope's hotel room.

He burst trough the door, hearing hos beloved daughter gasping for air, before speeding towards her.

"It's okay, love. It's okay." He spoke in a soothing voice, but when he realized that it wasn helping, he snapped her neck, before picking her up.

"It's okay, i've got you my littlest wolf." He whispered, before speeding back into the Mikaelson's manison and laying her in her bed in her bedroom.

He put the blankets over her, before planting a soft kiss onto her forehead.

"It will get better. I promise, my love." He whispered, before leaving the room to let her rest.

. . .

"Sweetheart, your dad is waiting outside for you!" Hayley announced to her six-year-old daughter. "Come on, we can continue the game later." Hayley said. "Okay, mommy!" Hope smiled. The two walked out the door, where the Mikaelsons have already been waiting. "Uh... hi.." Hope said shyly, as she couldn't remember her dad, and for her this is the first time meeting him. "Hello, love.." Klaus breathed out.

Hayley patted her daughter's back, and nodded at her when she looked at her, making Hope take a step closer to Klaus. "U-uhm... would you like a hug?" The young redhead asked akwardly, making Klaus smile gently at her. "I would love to as long as the feeling is mutual." "It is." Hope smield, and Klaus immediately brought her into his arms.

"Nik! You'll crash her bones!" Rebekah scolded, making Klaus immediately pull away. "Did i hurt you, love?" He asked in concern for his beloved daughter. "No, it's okay." She smiled warmly. "Mommy can i go play with daddy?" Hope asked and Hayley nodded, and Hope grabbed Klaus' hand and pulled him along with her, as Klaus looked at his daughter with more love in than anyone could ever imagine, especially at hearing her call him her dad.

"Do you like to paint?' Hope asked. "I do. Do you?" Klaus asked. "I love it! It's so cool that you can just... throw all your feelings on a paper or canvas, and- and, the colours and- and everything! And- also this feeling you get when you paint, it's like being free from everything and- and like just- it's hard to explain! Sorry, did i say too much again?" Hope ranted, while Klaus just listened to her watching her every movement with a loving smile. "You can never say too much to me, love, i enjoy hearing your voice a lot." He assured her.

"Do you have that feelimg when you paint too?" The young redhead asked.

"I do. It is really awesome, isn't it?"

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