ii, Congrats. You are officially the worst.

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Hope was twisting a dagger in between her fingers, throwing it into the air a bit from time to time, making it flip, before it landed back in her hand, which she did over and over again, as she sat in the Avengers tower, by the table where all of her soulmates and family were gathered.

"Stop that, little wolf. You'll hurt yourself." Her father scolded her quietly from besides her.

"I heal." Hope replied shortly, not stopping with the dagger thing.

"Careful." Loki warned from across the table.

"I. heal." Hope spoke in annoyance at the fact that the two made all of the attention fall onto her.

"Stop that!" Rebekah spoke in irritation.

"Why? You put one of those into my heart like a year ago." Hope rolled her eyes, making everyone exchange looks.

"That was a low blow, Hope." Kol spoke up.

"Oh, i'm so sorry for being pissed with all of this, so sorry that i also have feelings-" She spoke up, getting up from her seat.

"-Sorry for being frickin' hungry, sorry for my ass hurting from sitting on this damn chair for like- like eight hours! Sorry for-"

"Okay, okay, we get it." Hayley rolled her eyes.

"Teenagers." She added under her breath.

"Oh right- also sorry for being destinied to be a whore, mom. Steve." Hope said, before speeding out of the buliding, very much done with them.

Not even a second after, Pietro followed after her.

Kol glared at the Hybrid and supersoilder, getting up from his seat, only to be grabbed by his arm, and yanked back into his seat.

"No." Came from Davina.

Just then, Klaus sped towards Hayley and Elijah to her rescue, as Marcel sped towards Steve.

"No!" Davina and Freya yelled in unsion, stopping Klaus and Marcel with their magic, levitating them back into their seats.

Due to Davina letting go of Kol to use her magic, Kol used that as his chance to speed towards Hayley, but only managed to snap her neck, as Davina and Freya also levitated him back into his seat.

But while the two witches were distracted with the brothers and Marcel, they completely forgot about Rebekah.

Said blonde Original grabbed Steve by his neck, not phased by his attempts to fight back, as she lifted him into the air with ease, and Natasha and Bucky trying to help him.

"Rebekah!" Freya yelled.

"He hurt her! He hurt my niece! And that filthy dog did too! No offense, Nik." Rebekah spoke.

"None taken, sister. I agree with you fully." Klaus agreed.

"Do not call Hayley that!" Elijah protested.

"You! You say nothing! You protect that mutt, instead of your darling niece!" Kol yelled.

"You bloody bastard, Elijah! I will tear out your insides when these bloody witches leave me be!" Rebekab screamed in anger.

"Guys, i forgot my phoooo-" Hope trailed off when she saw the scene infront of her as she walked inside.

"-ne..." She finished, looking at every single person in the room in question.

"Look- i have a lot of questions i wanna ask right now- but i think knowing- why the hell my mum's neck is snapped is gonna be- the most disturbing fucking shit in history- i-i- i just won't." She spoke.

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