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Hello my dear readers, I desperately need your help. 

I need your help regarding all the ending possibilities of this book. Even though we're less than a quarter of the way through, I am already trying to plot the end of the story.

I have calculated that with all seven love interests, there are... *insert drumroll*

at least 128 ending possibilities

As much as I would like to write 128 chapters with 2000+ words, I need to narrow the number down. 

Please leave a comment for each ship and ending you would like to have. This poll will probably be up for a while, probably until before the start of Year 7. 

Whatever ships that haven't been chosen will be eliminated and not have a chapter written on them. 

I strive to satisfy my readers, so please feel free to comment and choose as many as you like. Any ending possibility that has a comment, even if it's just one person, will be written.

I also will leave an option at the very end for you to suggest other possibilities that aren't on here. 

Without further ado, here are the possibilities you may choose from:

One Person Endings (Don't vote on these)

Y/n (Single)








Two Person Endings

1. Harry and Draco

2. Harry and Cedric

3. Harry and Mattheo

4. Harry and Fred

5. Harry and George

6. Harry and Neville

7. Draco and Cedric

8. Draco and Mattheo

9. Draco and Fred

10. Draco and George

11. Draco and Neville

12. Cedric and Mattheo

13. Cedric and Fred

14. Cedric and George

15. Cedric and Neville

16. Mattheo and Fred

17. Mattheo and George

18. Mattheo and Neville

19. Fred and George

20. Fred and Neville

21. George and Neville

Three Person Endings

1. Cedric Draco Fred

2. Cedric Draco George

3. Cedric Draco Harry

4. Cedric Draco Mattheo

5. Cedric Draco Neville

6. Cedric Fred George

7. Cedric Fred Harry

8. Cedric Fred Mattheo

9. Cedric Fred Neville

10. Cedric George Harry

11. Cedric George Mattheo

12. Cedric George Neville

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