2| Delilah

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"What. The fuck. Were you doing." He commands and I stay silent.

My voice and soul leave my body as he speaks. He looks me in the eyes, studying them, searching for something. His eyes are blue, but dark. They remind me of the ocean— wait, the fuck?

I'm practically jolted back to life when his grip tightens, causing me to wince in pain and try my best to squirm out of his hold.

I keep trying to shake off his big, muscular, veiny— basically i tried to shake off his hand. He doesn't let go until I squeal in more pain.

I step back from him, the pain on my arm too sharp to even touch. I look down and see the red marks forming on my caramel skin. "What fuck is wrong with you! I just help your sister birth a child and you—"

"What the fuck were you doing?" He demands once again. His hands are in fists and his knuckles whiten at how much he's tightening them.

He towers over me as he walks forward and i take a step back. My back finally hits the door of Sofia's room. I have nowhere to hide so i mindlessly hold up my clipboard as some sort of make-shift shield from his venomous gaze.

I soon feel the clipboard being snatched from my hands and he takes one more step closer and I'm petrified. I am a very short person so his height is the only thing that intimidates me.

"How dare you lay a finger on my—"

"Listen here, buddy, i don't know what your fucking problem is but i am a qualified nurse and i have every right to hold M Riccardo's hand. If you have an issue with that, you can take your issue and shove it up your ungrateful ass because I've just helped her birth her fourth child," i speak up, crossing my arms.

He steps back and takes a look at the clipboard that he seems to remember exists.

"Excuse me, sir, but you can't look at that. That contains confidential information of-"

"The patient, yeah, i know," he says sarcastically, not even looking up and continuing to read my fucking papers!

Okay, I'm officially pissed off with you, buddy.

I wait for two seconds and snatch my clipboard back. He glares at me again, but i honestly couldn't care less at this point.

I put my hand on my hip, to exaggerate my sass. "Well, buddy, since you know that, then surely you know where the baby chambers are. I'd like to change out of these bloody scrubs so, if you don't mind behaving like a grown man and leaving me alone, that would be great." I say in a dry tone and walk away.

I don't look back to see what he did but i could feel him stabbing me with all the knives in the world with his eyes, and I'm proud of it.


Finally back in my more comfy scrubs and coat, I make my way to the baby chambers to check on Sofia's daughter. I looks through the glass doors and see that Mr Riccardo is walking around and looking at all the babies.

Great. This idiot again. I think as i roll my eyes and groan.

Regardless of the idiot, i have to check on Sofia's daughter. I reluctantly open the doors an enter the chamber. I can feel his eyes on me as i walk over to Sofia's baby. I observe the little girl sleeping soundly in the bed as i hear his footsteps nearing. He leans over slightly to get a closer look and my attention shifts from the baby to him. His biceps are visible through his white shirt and his cologne smells heavenly.

No! He's a jerk! And a stuck up idiot—

"Maria." He states simply. Not looking up until i scoff.

"Maria. That's her name." He repeats, dead serious. My eyes widen and a sarcastic smile crosses over my face.

"I'm sorry, buddy, but you're not the mother of this child-"

"Did i ask? No. I'm telling you that her name is Maria," he crosses his arms and glares at me.

"No. You can't name this child without the permission of Sofi- the mother."

"I'm her older brother, and you'll do as i say and issue the birth certificate of Maria Sofia Riccardo." He turns around and begins walking out of the room.

I run until I'm standing right in front of him, blocking his path. I stand up straight and poke his chest. "Listen here, buddy-"

He grips my wrist and speaks in a low tone. "Don't call me 'buddy'. And why do you think im gonna listen to what you say, huh? You're just a lowly, little nurse with no authority. You have one job and that's to do what people tell you to. But, no, you just want to talk back to me, your superior, when you're just a weak, little plaything for the doctors of this hospital to fuck around with. You're nothing compared to me. Now, I'm going to go and find a real doctor who can actually do their job instead of standing in my fucking way."

He drops my wrist harshly and walks off. My eyes are wide in shock and my knees buckle, causing me to fall to the ground.

I can feel my tears forming as i look down and squeeze my eyes shut. I grit my teeth, holding back the tears and sobs. My chest tightens and i feel myself grabbing the scrubs over my chest.

I try to tell myself that it doesn't hurt. It shouldn't because I'm not her again. I'm not that little 15 year old girl who was abused. I'm not her again. I can't just let myself crumble again at worthless words. But i can't hold it in. The tears start falling and my sobs come out uncontrolled and rapid. My chest heaves and i grip the scrubs tighter. I crumble. I fall to all those pieces of myself that i thought i had left behind.

I need Sofia.

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