35| Delilah

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20-weeks into the pregnancy...

I caress my stomach and lean back, taking a breath of the fresh morning air.

It's more old than fresh since we've reached winter. The Christmas season will be starting soon and that means that the amount of mothers giving birth will be a lot more.

The hospital in general has been much busier since winter started as the ice and snow causes accidents and other injuries.

I'm sat on the bench in the courtyard with Ethel and she's looking through the ultrasound images we received.

Vante requested that they make about three copies of each so that we would never lose them. The whole idea made me burst out laughing when he told me. But I could kind of understand where he was coming from.

"When will the gender reveal be?" Ethel asks as she scans over the pictures with wide, curious eyes.

I shrug. "The doctor said we'll have to wait for the genitals to completely develop. Most probably in the third trimester so I might not be here to tell you,"

Ethel snaps her head up with furrowed brows. "Why won't you be here?"

"Well..." I begin and sit up a bit more comfortably. With the size of my belly increasing it's become weird to adjust to sitting. "Vante's taking me to Switzerland,"

He came up with the idea to do it before I go into labour so that we could still have some time to ourselves before parenthood arrives. And I was admittedly surprised he remembered that it was a term of our contract.

I hadn't expected him to go through with it.

Ethel gasps and jumps up in excitement. "I can't believe he's taking you to Switzerland for Christmas! The most expensive time of the year to go,"

Ethel twirls around, holding the picture to her chest as she swoons over the thought of the Alps on Christmas Day.

I laugh at her, earning her attention. "I might not even be able to go on the Alps, Ethel. Maybe you'll have to go in my place,"

She vigorously shakes her head and comes to sit down and place her hand on my shoulder.

"Delilah Riccardo," her tone is stern yet playful and I hold back my laugh. "You will go to the Alps to experience your romantic holiday with the eccentric billionaire, Vante Riccardo. The two of you will ski on the mountains, dance in the snow, travel the towns and have some passionate and loving nights of-"

"Ethel!" I stop her with my widened eyes. "Too far,"

I begin laughing hysterically and she giggles with me.

My laughing comes to a complete haunt when i feel something on my hand. Like light flutters gently grazing my palm. And it's coming from...

"MY BABY!" I blurt out, gasping and taking Ethel's hand. "ETHEL, I CAN FEEL MY BABY!"

She stays calm, feeling around gently before her eyes go wide and she turns to me with a growing smile on her face.

"IT'S YOUR BABY?!" She blurts out in excitement and I nod, tapping my feet excitedly on the ground.

We squeal together and I feel some tears forming in my eyes.

Ethel looks to the distance, squinting her eyes before smiling when she sees someone.

I turn my head too to see Harry walking our way.

"Oh, it's Harry," I state and turn to Ethel who's blushing like a school girl. "When are you gonna tell him that you like-"

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