44| Delilah

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It's dark by the time we get back to the hotel and the temperature has dropped significantly. Vante's offered me his scarf, gloves and coat but I keep telling him he needs it more.

"Amore, please. Just take the scarf then," he begs as he helps me out of the sleigh.

"Vante, keep them. You're not Jack Frost," I joke around to which he raises a sneaky brow.

"Very well," he states before letting go of my hand. Only to swoop me up with a hand behind my knees and the other behind my back.

"VANTE!" I exclaim in so much shock that I'm too angry to even care about the eyes turning our way. "What on Earth do you think you're even doing?!"

"Amore," he says calmly.

"NO! You can't just do that to me!"


"What if I fell?! Or what if you slipped and then-"

"Amore," his tone is stern now, but he still grins after he speaks. "Calm down, I've got you,"

"Wh-" I cut myself off, eyes widening when I realise he does in fact have me. He's somehow strong enough to not only carry me, but as well as the added weight of the baby inside me.

He's holding me bridal style and everyone is watching. Everyone. My face heats up and I pull my scarf up to hide it.

"Let's just go," I groan, hiding my face in his chest.

I feel his cold lips placing a kiss on my forehead and I nuzzle closer into his chest.

Even when we're in the lobby, he doesn't set me down. He carries me all the way to the elevator and that's when he sets me down slowly. So delicately.

I face him, but clutch onto the bar behind me as I look down at my feet. "How are you so strong,"

"What do you mean?" He questions, stalking closer to me. Vante uses a finger to lift my chin up to look him in the eye. And his gorgeous eyes dominate mine within a second.

"I'm so heavy right now, how did you carry me all the way?" I elaborate. I've had a lot of body dysmorphia, I won't deny it. It is natural for pregnant, but it's really hit me lately. With my belly growing bigger in the span of a week. And not just normally big, big to the point where it's difficult to breathe, it hurts to stand for long and I'm always so, so tired.

"It's simple, amore," he states leaning onto the bar behind me. "I can lift heavier than you, and you aren't even that heavy, Delilah. You normally weigh around 46kg right?"

I nod silently, swallowing as I try to breathe through all this tension.

"Well, the baby only adds about 4kg to your normal weight. It's not that much, amore. And you still, look so amazing," he cups my cheek, capturing my lips in a kiss.

He deepens it, getting rougher, more passionate with each passing second. I moan into the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth before he nibbles on my lip.

I break the kiss, his forehead leaning on mine and I gaze into his eyes from under my lashes. I give a little smile at him, my playfulness returning. "I don't look that amazing, surely,"

A breathy laugh leaves his lips. "If you allowed me, I'd gratefully fuck you in this elevator, my love,"

I gasp and he takes that chance to slip his tongue into my mouth and trap my lips in another one of his sensual kisses. Little moans escape my mouth, travelling into his to be met with his own deep groans.

Vante's hands trail down my back, pulling me closer to him while I slide my arms around his neck. The kiss is broken once again and Vante keeps his gaze on mine.

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