33| Delilah

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"Fuck," I whisper to myself. "What the actual fucking fuck..."

I'm currently doing my best to keep myself from breaking down and screaming in anger.

The stress and tension has built up so much that a tear trickles down my cheek, warming the pale and cold expression my face holds.

I look up and see Vante walking down the hallway in my direction. I quickly wipe away the tears and put a smile onto my face.

As he draws closer, I notice his demeanour is stiff and rigid, deathly when paired with the look on his face. He looks me straight in the eye and stops just a few centimetres from me.

"Amore, I just—" he pauses and freezes, narrowing his eyes to scan my face.

Fuck! He knows...

"You were crying?" He questions. It's not even a question at this point because he takes one more step closer to engulf me in a hug, his scent washing over me like a warm wave. "Why?"

He repeated the last phrase again, softly under his breath and only loud enough for me to hear.

I continue to look over his shoulder, my body now rigid and I do my best to keep the tears from pooling in my eyes.

All the guilt and stress is going to come out. I can't let it happen, not from a hug. And Vante being so sentimental towards me only makes the situation a thousand times worse.

How could I let this happen?! I'm so angry at myself for not even trying to fight back. Not even trying to defend myself or Vante.

But how could I? He had me at both knife and gunpoint. I had to do everything to keep the baby safe...

I had to submit to Jameson and his vile, disgusting ways. I had to submit to his greed, cower my head down and say 'yes, sir' at his command.

And it's only going to hurt Vante...

It's going to hurt me...

It's hurting me.

I finally break. It starts as a sob and grows into a louder one as more follow after and I find myself crying into Vante's chest. Breaking down in front of him as my tears soak into his jacket.

I wrap my arms around him, clutching at the clothing on his back and squeezing them as tight as this guilt is squeezing my heart.

My nose is buzzing from the crying and my wails get absorbed by Vante's chest.

Taken aback from my sudden change in behaviour.

"V-Vante..." I call him, speaking into his chest. I can't keep this inside me any longer. If I'm going to tell him the truth, he should at least know this.

"Amore?" He responds in a welcoming and comforting tone. It's soft and gentle, the way he goes over each letter.

"T-there's something that I-I need to t-tell you-"

"There's no need to rush, darling," He pauses to look at the space around us. "There should be an empty room here, somewhere..."

I clutch onto his collar to stop him from leaving. "N-no, it has to be now,"

He gazes down at me with furrowed brows, though he's still curious.

"I..." I take in a sharp breath to calm myself. "I'm pregnant, Vante,"

Both of his brows raise and his lips form an 'o'. It takes a few moments for the information to register in his mind.

"Y-you're pregnant?" He parrots, questioning himself more than me.

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