23| Delilah

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"It was so fun, bae,"


"I should get going,"


"We'll meet again next week? If you're not too busy, that is," She asks grinning from ear to ear.


I smile back. "Yeah, of course, love. And it'll be a girl's day out!"

"I'll have to come with, you know," He says as I wave to Sofia.


"Just the two of us, love you!" She yells and enters the hospital building.

"Love you too!" I yell back and sigh as I watch her and I turn to head back to the car.

I almost bump into Mr Riccardo so I stumble back slightly, gasping in a little shock. "The fuck is wrong with— you..."

I trail off my words when I meet his eyes. Thunderous and deadly, with the devil's grin to pair.

Now I see why Sofia and Vante are related. Their grinning.

I clear my throat as I swallow the lump in my throat. "So, uhh, can I go home now?"

He bursts out laughing and turns to walk to the car, opening the door for me and gesturing to enter. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to figure out what he's getting at.

My hands go to my hips as I walk cautiously towards the car, my gaze not leaving his for a second. Before I step into the car, I pause and face him completely.

"What are you getting at?" I demand and it receives a raised brow from him. But I don't miss the little grin that threatens to show as he tries to remain nonchalant.

"You said you wanted to go home, did you not?" He asks.

I nod my head slowly. "Yeah..."

Unexpectedly he leans down, his lips next to my ear.

Not again... I think as my face paints itself pink and the flashback sprints through my mind.

"So, the quicker you get in the car, the quicker you'll get home. And hurry," He pauses and stands back. "I don't hold the door for just anyone, you know,"

In my flustered state I stomp my foot and groan. Trying to think of something I can say to bite back but nothing comes up.

"Fuck you, too, Vante Riccardo," I mutter under my breath as I climb into the car and pull the door closed.

"I heard that," He says, knocking on the window before walking around and climbing in the other side.

I cross my arms and let out a huff, glaring into the back of the front seat. After he climbs in, he buckles up but pauses before he tells Peter to drive.

"Your seatbelt isn't on," He says and I turn my head to look at him with a face that says 'no shit, sherlock'.

"Well, do you intend on putting on? Or do I need to do it for you?" He asks and he reaches his arm over me and my eyes widen at the sight of it. Is shirt sleeve rolled up to his elbow, exposing his muscular forearm and the faint tracing of his veins. I gulp and unintentionally reach out, taking his wrist as I observe the rest of his forearm— wait, the fuck?

My eyes widen and I turn to look at him, his brow is raised in amusement and I blink myself back to reality. I give him a smile and move his arm away, patting it as I set it back into his lap.

"I-I'll do it," I say and quickly put on my seatbelt.

He tells Peter to drive and I sigh as the car starts moving. Thinking that I'll be within the safety of my apartment in no time.

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