36| Vante

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24 weeks into pregnancy...

With a sigh I slip out of my shoes and begin to slide my coat and jacket of my body, shrugging off the clothing and placing it on the nearest counter.

I walk through the dim lit hallway, following the faint female voice that echoes through the apartment walls. I hear her giggling, sighing and saying some incoherent words.

"Amore?" I call out but she doesn't answer. I think to try again but I turn the corner and lean on the threshold that separates the living room from the hallway.

Delilah is seated on the couch leaning forward with the coffee table moved closer towards her. Her hair is tied in a messy bun and her eyes tell me that she's exhausted, but she still smiles as she speaks in a playful tone to the phone sitting on the coffee table.

I cross my arms and grin as I watch her caress her stomach with what I can only assume is tissue oil. Her oversized shirt, which is mine, has been pulled up to her chest and she wears her purple pyjama pants.

Through everything she does, Delilah just looks so beautiful. She's beautiful, she's lovely, her smile makes me wanna smile more or make her laugh just so I can see that smile each and every day of my life. She's beautiful. And she's mine.

The thought makes my grin grow wider and Delilah soon turns her head towards me with blank and confused eyes. But the glint of happiness in her eyes is ever present.

"Vante?" She calls out to me, her voice is like velvet. "You there?"

I shake my head and stand up to make my way over to her, rolling up my sleeves in the process. "I'm right here," I respond as I take my seat next to her on the couch.

I plant a kiss on her shoulder before traveling up to plant another on her lips. A deep and passionate kiss. I need her to feel what I feel for her. To know that I have no desire to ever let her leave—

"Dee?" The phone calls out and the voice of my sister causes Delilah to pull away from me.

I glare at the phone which Delilah picks up to bring to her ear and she starts whispering into the speaker as if I won't hear.

"What?" She asks and her face flushes. "N-no, that's not- SOFIA! You can't say that when—"

I cut Delilah off by swiping the phone from her hand, which is a lot easier thanks to the oil she forgot to wipe off. I grin at her as I set the phone on speaker while using my free arm to stop Delilah from trying to reach for the phone.

"Sorella," I begin with my voice stern and Sofia begins muttering a string of curses and threats.

"You better be nice with Delilah or so help me I will cut off your toes and feed them to you—"

"Nooo, sorella. I'd never hurt my wife, in fact we were just about to- fuck!" I groan in response to Delilah slightly pinching me in the side.


Delilah holds out her hand for me to pass the phone but instead I take her hand in mine, planting another kiss onto her knuckles.

"Sorella, my amore has some business to tend to so she'll call you back, yes— BYE!" I end the call and place the phone the coffee table to wrap my arms around Delilah and join our lips into a kiss.

She kisses back but ends up laughing uncontrollably, breaking the kiss and leaning her forehead onto my chest.

"I can't...believe you did- that," I chuckle along with her, her laughter has been a lot more contagious lately. She's been glowing a lot more, regardless of how tired she gets. Or hungry.

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