38| Delilah

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All I've been doing all night is smiling and nodding, having conversations with people I never met until tonight and praying for Vante to come back so I can kick his balls for stranding me in the party. The party itself is amazing, but Vante was supposed to help me greet everyone.

Sofia's been the only help and support I've had all evening, but even she seemed off this evening.

"How are things at home?" I try, Sofia's been staring off into the crowd and paying mild attention to the conversations we've had.

"They're okay," she turns to me with her hand on her hip as she sips her wine. "The kids are okay, I'm managing, and I think the maids are living a better life than me at this point,"

Sofia laughs at her joke and I just shake my head. "But are things really okay? You seem kind of stressed tonight,"

"I am," Sofia admits with a sigh of defeat. "There's been a surprise guest at this party. One who Vante will absolutely kill if he sees him. Literally," Sofia gulps the last of her wine and there goes her third glass. Thanks to this, she's starting to say everything that comes to her mind.

"Our father decided to come to this event after finding out about it somehow. Vante only told me tonight," Sofia shrugs. "And I've been keeping an eye on him,"

"W-where is he?" I ask, looking around the room to see if there's anyone who could possibly be the dad of Vante and Sofia. I imagine he's quite tall and quite old.

Sofia takes my shoulder as support as she points across the room with her glass. "The guy in the white suit and hat," she lets out a giggle. "He looks like Zorro but in white,"

She wheezes a laugh out and I try my best to get a full view of this guy while simultaneously trying to keep my glass of water stable. I then notice him walking in the same direction that Vante had gone to take a call in the hallway.

Vante will absolutely kill him if he sees him, Sofia's words ring in my mind and my eyes widen at the realisation.

"Oh, no," I take a glance at my wristwatch and realise it's almost time to announce. "Fuck, fuck, fuck,"

"I'm gonna go get more wine, stay here," Sofia strides away, greeting people in her path and slightly swaying to the background music. I take this as my queue and rush towards the closest door that leads to the hallway. I rush as fast as I can with the baby inside me and my limited ability to run.

I reach the door but I can't see anyone so I try a different door. This one is a lot more secluded from the party, the guests are being kept at the far end of the ballroom.

"You shouldn't speak like that to your father, Gio. I'm the only one you've got—" a man's voice echoes but it's cut off.

Father? Gio?? I head through the door and choose to go right, only to be greeted with a horrific sight before me.

"I don't have a father. So, get the fuck out of here and don't bother coming back to this city ever agai—"

I lose all feeling in my body as the blood rushes out of me and my once beautiful champagne glass is now scattered to pieces across the floor.

My eyes are wide when they meet Vante's and his entire body freezes.

Vante's arm is stretched out holding a gun in his hand and the metallic barrel is pointed towards the chest of the man in the white suit.

My bottom lip quivers as I try to speak and hold back tears at the same time. At this moment my mind leaves my body and my lips move on there own.

"V-Vante?" I stutter out as I begin to mindlessly back away.

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