25| Delilah

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"Peter," Vante begins as he puts his seatbelt on and I reach to put mine on as well. "Take us to the nearest restaurant. Oh and afterwards, we'll need to go to a good mall for shopping,"

I paused when he said shopping. "Shopping? I thought you had Peter doing all your shopping,"

"He does, but we're going shopping for you. I'm assuming you'll want more comfortable clothes and some toiletries," He says simply, reaching for his phone to do more work.

I sit forward to whisper into Peter's ear. "Why is he being so generous today?"

"I'm just as confused as you are, Ms Win— Mrs Riccardo,"

He sighs, looking into the rear view mirror at Vante and I turn to look at him too.

I observe him, his silent and calm demeanour. Something about him has definitely changed since yesterday. It's like someone tamed the beast inside him.

Devil, actually.

"Delilah," he calls and I blink and hum in response. "You should put on your seatbelt, otherwise we'll be here all day,"

I frown at him but sit back and put the seatbelt on.

"I was going to put it on anyway, Riccardo," I claim as I slump into my seat with folded arms.

As Vante is typing away on his phone, Peter starts the car and we get going. I sigh and decide that after 2 minutes of looking out the window, I could rather text Sofia and check on how she's doing.

I pull out my phone to see the notification already popped up on my screen.

so how did it gooo hun?

the signing went well. tho buddy's been acting funny lately...

Ofc he is. He's always weird ab such things. Btw are yall gonna by the rings today? Since you're the new Mrs Riccardo ;)

Well he said we're going shopping now so probs yea. How are you doing tho? Have you gone to see your baby?

Going nowww. Also some advice, if yall run into the pap, just cover your face and dont say anything to anyone ok?

The pap?

The paparazzi. With news that you're Mrs Riccardo, they're gonna be asking questions.. and the pap know how to get answers.  So pls be careful loves.

Ok ok, i promise. No one other than the lawyer, priest and Peter knows anyway

You'd be surprised at what the media can do love. But good luck hun! Cheering for you on my side! I love youu <3333

I love you toooo. Enjoy the time with your daughter! <333


It's been about an hour since we arrived. We had a small lunch; some healthy sandwich that somehow has kept me full for the past hour. Perhaps eating healthy really is better for you...

"Delilah, is this the one you want?" He asks.

Snapping out of my daze, I turn my head towards him.

I look at his hands as he holds an open box with a pair of golden rings. The thinnest one has a trio of three small blue diamonds. The one in the middle, however, is significantly larger than the others and the gold around it seems to be in little vines. The thick ring is gold with a silver line running thought the middle. There are also three blue diamonds placed on it but they've been engraved and almost easy to miss.

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