45| Vante

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I forgot to mention in the last chapter that it was Christmas Eve xd
--- T.B.B ---

I don't even know what to think anymore.

I walk down the dimmed, icy streets of the town. Each step feels like I'm walking into a sphere and it's being driven deeper into my chest.

It feels like it's too much, but I can't let it be. I have to get it done, kill Jameson. Him and all his motherfuckers.

He touched her. He got to her.

He deserves to fucking die. And I will make sure that happens...

Mindlessly, I walk into the first possible bar I see. It doesn't even end up being a bar.

A little shop decorated floor to ceiling with Christmas ornaments. Ceramic sculptures, snow globes, everything.

But I'm too tired to even think. I just want Delilah.

Luckily, I find a couch and take a seat, not expecting any service. The only indicator of my entrance was the tiniest bell over the door. But with how silent I've been, anyone would've thought I'd gone out.

I slump down on the sofa, holding my head in my hands and running my fingers through my hair. The heat from a little fireplace is enough to get me cozy and relaxing. It calms me.

But it doesn't make me forget anything. Not even the look in Delilah's eyes. The same fear in mine, mirrored on her beautiful irises. I just want Delilah...

A throat is cleared and I lift my head only slightly. A glass is placed on the coffee table in front of me and it's filled with a dark brown liquid.

"You surprise me, cousin," he states in a nonchalant manner. "I hadn't expected to see you again after our last meeting. Yet, here you are,"

Pietro takes a seat on the couch opposite me. He holds a glass in his hand, harbouring the same dark liquid poured in mine.

I stare at him in silence, pressing my lips together as I remain in my slumped state.

He crosses his legs, keeping a calm and chilled demeanour. Pietro gives a slight chuckle. "I didn't want to be the one to say this, but..." he pauses, sighing with regret and disappointment. "Your relationship with her doesn't seem to be very strong, cousin,"

My body freezes, my entire being going cold.

"I know..." I mumble. "But I can't... I can't lose her, Pietro,"

"Then you'll have to try a lot harder, Giovante. Logistically, the contract hasn't even ended, so there is time. But you went into this situation with contract being the goal. It's become the clock that ticks your relationship," his fingers dance in the air before he takes a sip from the glass.

When he pulls back, his brows raise in approval.

"Sherry," he states, holding the glass in the air. "My wife makes it,"

Although he's gay, a marriage in his family was needed. And not just any marriage, a strategic one. He has no romantic feelings for her, but Pietro and his wife have a great understanding of each other.

I take the glass in front of me, taking a good swig from it before placing it down.

"What... what do I do, then?" I hesitantly ask. I never wanted to be in such a position that I wouldn't even know what to do.

"Whatever you can," he replies. "I don't know her as well as you or Sofia do. All you can do is fight for her, but she is still her own woman..."

"What are you saying, Pietro?" I press. Knowing I don't want to hear the answer.

He sighs. "If she decides to leave, cousin, you have to let her go."

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