17| Delilah

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I look up at his back with widened eyes.

"Do you have a problem with that, Doctor Harper?" Vante questions and it sounds more like a challenge due to his tone.

"N-no, sir. I was just implying that—"

"Delilah was with me. You saw the entire scene that unfolded yet you did nothing. Why is that, Doctor Harper?"

Doctor Harper says nothing but his eyes go wide and i can see him trying to look at me. I hide behind Vante as i clutch his coat and jacket, which i realise I'm still holding.

Harper cranes his neck and it causes Vante to move to the side, blocking me once again from Harper's venomous eyes.

"I am her superior, Mr Riccardo. I am in charge of what she does and where she goes, not you. It's my job to look over her," Harper stands tall, his chest in the air and his demeanour brave.

I mean, he's right but-

"Delilah is a nurse in my hospital. So, if you dare to threaten her again, Doctor, you'll know what happens when you touch something of mine," Vante's voice interrupts my thoughts and i can hear the anger leaking from it.

Harper takes a step back, like a dog with his tail between his legs.

Fuck, yeah! In your face, Harper— wait a damn minute.

Did he just imply that I belong to him?

Yeah, no.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," I intervene and step out of 'hiding'. "I don't belong to any of you and I have a job to do, so,"

I hand Vante's clothes to Peter standing quietly against the wall 

None of them move their places and keep staring each other down and i can here the tension between them. "I will get going now. See you,"

I give a small wave and turn on my heels, speed walking down the hallway to get to the dressing rooms and away from the two men as fast as possible. 


The cold water helps to cool me down, both my body and my mood. Honestly, i don' really know how or what to feel at this point.

Mr Riccardo is confusing as fuck. One minute he's insulting me just for being friends with Sofia, and the next he's protecting me from Harper and calling me his.

Like, the fuck?! I could never be with a prick like him. He only cares about what he wants and what's gonna benefit him.

With that kinda attitude, I feel sorry for the child that has him as a father.

I laugh at myself in the mirror and go to dry off my face with some paper towels.

Just before i can leave the dressing rooms, a group of doctors walk in and stop when they see me.

There's a tall red head, a short brunette and a tall blonde. The perfect combo for a group of bitches.

"Hannah," the tall red head says, her voice slow, smooth and dripping with disgust. "How many surgeries have I performed today?"

I scoff and cross my arms. Rolling my eyes at this ridiculousness.

The short brunette puts on a thinking face. "Two heart surgeries and you've got a brain surgery in 3 hours,"

"I really don't care about what you do, Evans," I say to Doctor Evans, the tall red head.

"Really? But what did you do, Nurse Winston?" She asks rhetorically as if trying to prove some useless point.

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