46| Delilah

843 17 2

36-weeks into pregnancy...

"And he still hasn't said shit to me, Delilah!" Sofia exclaims, sighing and keeping her palm to her forehead. "He's so difficult sometimes. Behaves like a selfish little 6-year-old boy."

I give one chuckle. "Sofia, you've been ignoring him. Vante's been very concerned for you, he asks me everyday how you are, love,"

"W-what do you tell him?" She questions with urgency to her tone.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to him," I muse with cockiness. "So, I guess there's no need for you to know,"

I playfully shrug it off and sit back, looking out the window of the hospital cafeteria.

Sofia joins me for lunch whenever Vante isn't able to and it's not just lunch. Sofia is always around me the moment she gets which is adorable and hilarious to watch. But I know it's mainly because she feels lonely at home.

When she married Liam, there was basically no need for her to work anymore, so she'd stay at home and look after the kids. Occasionally coming to visit me and going to premiers. Basically being the celebrity sister to Vante.

"Fine, then. It's his fault for not texting me anyways," she pouts and takes another bite of the food in her tray.

I let out a fit of giggles. "Girl, you make me laugh way too much sometimes,"

"As you should. Laughing is good for the soul," she states like a professional.


Being heavily pregnant, I've been placed at the reception desk. Mainly filling out paperwork of patients and reports that need to get sent to whichever department. It's all fun until I get mild contractions and feel like falling asleep half the time though.

And each time I end up laying on one of the patient beds with Ethel and Sofia by my sides.

"Girls, I'm so sorry-"

"Don't even," Sofia cuts me off with a stern voice. She's holding onto my right hand, caressing it as she gazes down at me.

"Ms Sofia is right, Delilah. You don't need to apologise. You're a small woman carrying one big baby," Ethel does her best at consoling me and it puts a wide smile on my face.

I feel my eyes start to tear up and soon a sob follows after.

Sofia giggles, leaning over to hug me. "Dee, you're not actually gonna cry again,"

"Sofia.. Ethel..." I look at each of them endearingly before I crack a smile. "I think I might,"

"Why is she crying?" A deep and panicked voice chimes in and before I know it, Vante's by my side clutching my hand and cupping my face. "What's wrong, amore," he whispers.

He holds my gaze but in my peripheral vision I see Ethel and Sofia exiting the room. I break the eye contact as I watch them leave but when the door shuts, my eyes shoot back to his.

A small grin tugs at his sexy lips and my eyes travel down to them. I swear I can feel him leaning in for a kiss but he pulls away as soon as I lean in as well.

He takes in a sharp breath as he sits on the side of the bed. I lift myself up, placing a hand on the back of his shoulder to caress him. "Vante..."

"I'm sorry, amore. I thought I was so close to getting Jameson, but he keeps slipping from my fucking fingers," his hand balls up into a fist, knuckles turning white. "I just- I have to find him and I can get rid of him and this mess he's started with you and-"

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