21| Vante

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All it would've took was one more pull, one more movement for her to be under me. Me between her legs, inside her as her eyes roll back and I watch as her face contorts from all the sensations, all the pleasure I could give her.

But, instead, she's over me, looking towards the door at Peter.

I glare at him and his eyes widen in shock, surprise and pride.

"Get out," I instruct and as he turns to leave, someone pushes past him, squealing at the top of her lungs. I shut my eyes and my free hand moves to cover my ear.

"Vante, you'll never believe it! You and Delilah are on the news and—" Sofia. Great, just great. "What's going on... here?"

She gestures at the 'situation' and I look back to Delilah. Her expression almost mirrors Sofia's: petrified.

Delilah begins rapidly shaking her head. "No, no, it's not what you think, Sofia, this— it's not what it looks like—"

"You know what, we'll go and you guys can- uhh, carry on. See you later, hun!" Sofia pulls Peter by the arm and turns on her heels. Exiting the room as she practically drags him and shuts the door.

"No, no, no, no!" Delilah tries to stop them but they're out of the room by the time she can form a coherent sentence.

Delilah tries to pull away but strengthen my grip on her arm. She tries her best to squirm out of my hold but I pull her even closer and stare her dead in the eyes. This time our noses touch and her legs fall to both my sides.

Her eyes are wide, her breaths is heavy, and her face is turning red as it contorts with different emotions.

"What does it look like?" I ask her daringly. She opens her mouth to respond but shuts it fast and pulls away again.

"Let me- go, Van- Mr Riccardo-" I do as she asks and she's jerked back.

Her legs go into the air as she tries to turn around and I grab her ankles before she can kick me in the face.

She looks at me with furious eyes and I return her glare with a bored one. "This face is literally worth billions. And remind me, Delilah,"

I bring her one ankle to the other side of my head. "Is this the position you prefer?"

She loses it as her face goes red and she pulls her legs back, turning as fast as she can and getting off the bed. I know I shouldn't but her reaction makes me laugh. My laugh is returned with a glare and I stop immediately.

I don't know why, but the way she glares at me ignites something within me. In my chest. It's not love, obviously. I know what love feels like. But it's definitely something that draws me close to her, so close that i can't even take my eyes off her as she glares into my eyes. It's something that makes me want to stay close to her.

"This is ridiculous," She says, shaking her head and throwing her hands in the air. "I'm going mad, surely. None of this is actually real, I'm just i-imagining this and— oh, my god, what if I have schizophrenia and the whole time this has been— FUCK!"

She bumps her toe on the bed's leg and leans onto the bed.

Is this her calming herself down?

I raise my brow and observe her as she mutters curses under her breath. As I study her, my hand moves to my chin and my eyes trace her figure. I meet her brown eyes again, and she's glaring at me. Again...

"This is amusing," I grin. "When is your next off-day?"

She blinks in confusion and shrugs her shoulders, dropping her arms to her sides. She racks her brain as she furrows her brows. "Well, today's Thursday, and Friday is supposed to be my off day but something always pulls me back to work. Last week, Sofia had to give birth so I was called in on Thursday evening,"

"Then we'll do it tomorrow," I conclude and reach for my phone.

"Do what?" She questions with skepticism.

I give her a knowing look before talking. "You signed a baby contract, what else are we going to do, Delilah? We need to get my sperm inside your body so that my child can be brought into this world-"

"Uhh, which method is gonna be used for the... insemination?" She starts fiddling with her fingers.

"Intra cervical insemination; inserting the semen into your vagina as would happen during sex," I say bluntly and her face reddens. "What? You knew this was going to happen,"

"But, so soon?" She whispers.

"Yeah," I reply. "So you'll meet me here tomorrow at 9? Is that too early or too late for you?"

Her eyes widen and she starts making her way to the door. "Uh, no, nine's good. 9am, right?"

I nod as I watch her look for the doorknob.

"'Oh, Delilah," I call and she freezes. "You might want to wear something comfortable,"

She gasps and flings the door open, slamming it shut and iIhear Sofia's squealing once Delilah is in the hallway.

"You're fucking my brother!?" She yells out loud.

Not yet, sorella. But soon I'll have Delilah all to myself...

——— T.B.B ———

Helloooo im back.
It's actually my birthday tomorrow and i had a burn out week.
I truly apologise as I've even busy with school, birthday planning and my life going haywire.
I hope you enjoyed this short chapter.

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