28| Delilah

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I let out whimpers as I try to force my way out of his grip, but his hand is now travelling around my waist.

It felt so much better when Vante did it...

But now I've got Harper pinning me against wall. Against my will, but much to his pleasure.

"So, Winston," he begins is a hauntingly friendly tone. "Where've you been, love? You got married and you didn't even tell me?"

I glare at him with frustration and anger. I try to kick him but he's got his knee between my legs and it's slowly moving up. All I can do is clench my thighs hard enough to keep his leg down.

"You couldn't get the courage from those little lips, huh? Still the same little nurse you were, darling. Helpless," he pauses as he lets go of my mouth but instead of moving his hand, his trails his fingers over my lips.

I stay silent, focusing on keeping his knee away from my groin and thinking of a way out of this.

"Weak." He concludes. "Where's your little boyfriend, Winston? Oh, that's right. He's waiting for you... looks like you'll have to tell him you'll be late. The boss needs to discuss something with you,"

My glare only gets harder. I really feel like stabbing him right now.

But I resist the urge.

Harper lets out a chuckle and spreads my lips with his fingers as he leans in to sniff me.

"Oh, you smell just as good as before, doll. Sweet, like sugar," He bends down, sniffing further down my body and I could not be more disgusted.

How the fuck does he get off to this?! I question as I see the growing boner in his pants.

"Come on, baby," He whispers in my ears. "I can do better than your little boyfriend. Just let me inside you..."

He trails off as he fiddles with the hem of my pants.

I roll my eyes and decide to open my mouth further, only to bite his finger and push him away at his chest.

I give one last kick to his groin and he falls to the floor, groaning in pain.

"It's Riccardo to you, Doctor Harper. And the boyfriend can do way better than you. Wanna know why?" I bend down to taunt him. "He's a few inches bigger, doll,"

I get up and grab my bags, rushing out of the room and to the elevator. I take a deep breath when I'm in and press the floor number.

I stay silent, trying my best not to cry, even though Sofia's words linger in my mind.

"NOT this time," I tell myself.

I look at my wrist watch. I'm only three minutes late so I'll be okay.

I hope.

The elevator dings, signalling my arrival and I exit, walking into the busy lobby and making my way to the door while I scan the area for Vante.

How do I recognise him in a crowd? Well, for one he's tall.

"Tall, handsome, Italian..." I repeat while I crane my neck and stand on my tip toes.

I then feel a hand on my wrist as I'm twirled around and a pair of lips are placed on mine.

I freeze in shock as the flashback of Harper cause me to mindlessly push away. I look a my hands, shaking.

"Great," I mutter with frustration.


I feel dizzy.

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