20| Delilah

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⚠️| The following chapter contains smut. If you do not wish to read, there will be a summary at the end of the chapter, otherwise, have fun! But not too much ;)
——— T.B.B ———

"Mr Riccardo, I—"

His tongue traces my neck, moving up and onto my jawline. Small, soft moans escape my lips and try my best to hold them back by biting my lips and shutting my eyes.

My back is against a wall and he grips my wrists gently, holding them up against the wall as well.

He continues his torture on my sensitive skin. Licking, kissing and biting wherever he can. Making sure his warm tongue can reach every spot for him to stain my caramel skin with his devilish lips.

He pulls away and another moan escapes. Not of pleasure, but of...


To this, he grins and I catch a glimpse of his eyes. His deep blue oceans filled with lust and ready to devour me within seconds.

His one hand releases my wrist but he snakes it down my body and around my waist, ready to snatch my ass in his hand.

"M-Mr Riccardo, this is wrong. I don't think we should—"

"Don't call me that," He says in a stern tone.

His lips touch mine and he kisses me hard, deep, until I can feel the lust leaking from his lips. Until I can taste it as he slips his tongue into my mouth after making me gasp from him grabbing my thigh and lifting it, wrapping it around his waist.

He dominates the kiss as his tongue explores my mouth and he bites my bottom lip slightly.

I moan at the sudden and new sensation and I can feel his member prodding against my exposed inner thigh.

He snakes his other hand down to my other thigh and he picks me up, my legs around his waist as he continues to attack my mouth and my swollen lips.

But I don't pull away. Instead, I bask in the pleasure of the kiss. Enjoying every flavour, every sensation. The burning feeling of his skin on mine as I trace my fingers up his chest and set my arms around his neck.

His kisses become rougher and I move my fingers through his dark locks.

He walks forward and sets me on the bed, on my back with my legs still around his waist. He breaks the kiss and reaches for the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head until I'm left in my bra.

He grins as his hungry gaze meets mine. It makes me feel like a prey, about to be devoured by his hunger. All for his satisfaction.

He tosses my shirt away and places a kiss on my chin. He places another on my jawline, but when he gets to my collarbone, he bites my sensitive skin, igniting a moan of pleasure from my lips that echoes all throughout the room.

He licks the bitten spot and continues tracing kisses down my chest, in between my breasts as his hands move up my back to unhook my bra.

He uses his hands to spread my legs apart as he continues his kisses down my chest, my stomach and, when he reaches my pants, he pulls them off along with my panties.

"When you disrespect me, Delilah, there are consequences," He states.

With one hand, he cups my breast, the other, he places aside my head and he leans down to connect our lips once more before pulling away.

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