9| Delilah

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Never, in my 25 years of living, have I been this embarrassed and angry.

I'm sitting in the idiot's car with my arms folded, and I'm glaring at the seat on front of me.

I can't believe that happened. AND WHY DID HE TOUCH ME!

If he saw anything other than my thighs i am seriously going to murder him today. I don't care if people try to kill him everyday, I'll be the one to actually finish the job and solve everyone's problems.

The door opposite me opens and Vante gets in, avoiding all eye contact with me. I glare at him as he buckles himself in with ease.

"Peter, take us to St Louis," He says to the driver.

At first I'm shocked that there's even a driver. Meet his eyes in the rear view mirror as he checks it and replies to Vante.

"Yes, sir," His voice is stern, lacking emotion in every way possible— wait.

Did he just say St Louis?! Damn, he really is rich... How am i gonna afford to eat there?1 let alone drink a drop of water from that place.

I don't realise I'm staring at him until he clears his throat.

"Are you okay, Ms Winston..." He seems very hesitant but looks at me anyways. It seems like there's a tad bit of concern in his eyes.

"Okay?" I question cluelessly. I got distracted, to be honest.

His eyes widen and he grins. "From what happened when you were getting in the car. I hope you'd not too embarrassed, unless you like those sort of things?"

Now my eyes widen when i recall the incident. I can feel my face flush so i turn to face the front and cover my face.

"T-that's none of your business, idiot!" I try to sound rude but it comes out as more of a weird whine.

Now I'm screwed.


The drive to St Louis is short and silent. As much as I'm glad, it was nerve wrecking. There was so much tension in the air and, even though he was on his phone, i could feel that he was nervous too, which is weird but he is turning out to be one weird ass billionaire.

When we arrive, the driver, who's name is Peter, opens the door for me  and I climb out cautiously. We do not need a repeat.

He also holds out his hand which i take at first but then i feel a pair of hands lifting me up in bridal style.

I look up and see Vante with one weird look on his face. Reality hits me when he starts walking and i see people are staring at us weirdly.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing? Put me down, right now—" I try to get out of his hold and hit his chest but he doesn't even seem bothered one bit.

"Can't have a repeat of last time now can we, Delilah?" He speaks in a smooth voice, completely unbothered by any of the bystanders.

When we get to the door, he puts me down and i immediately punch his arm. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how many people were watching and what if someone from work saw me then they'd—"

I'm cut off completely, and i think my brain shot down too because i look down and his finger is on my lips. He holds his other finger to his lips and leans in closer to me.

With a sly and amused grin he speaks again. "People are watching you, Ms Winston,"

With that, he turns and walks inside. I look back to see if his driver is still there but nope. Not one sign and now i know I'm stuck with this idiot for a while.

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