43| Delilah

874 18 4

33-weeks into pregnancy...

I'm laying in bed when my phone dings. I reach for the cloth to wipe off the tissue oil on my hands before I take my phone and hold it up.

The rat Becker
Where is she.

I almost scoff at his audacity. I'm ready to type out a text, telling him off when Sofia walks into the room.

Wonderful timing.

I dismiss the text and set the phone down. But not fast enough for Sofia to notice something off. She simply raises a brow when she walks in, holding a cup of green tea.

It's steaming hot as she sets it down before taking a seat near me and looking me dead in the eyes.

"Who was it?" She asks. Her mother instincts are really good. Even though her eldest child is 6.

I debate telling her, but decide to anyways. Accepting defeat with a heavy sigh. "Him,"

She lets out a hum. "Which him? There's like four of them now,"

"Your him," I respond. "Asking where you are. It's the second time today and I haven't responded at all. Just been ignoring his texts,"

Sofia's stayed with us for a few days. Luckily, my clothes just fit her.

Honestly, it has been quite fun to spend time with her. Vante's here now and then, but he's been working really hard that he comes home quite late at night. It has me worried sometimes, but he always plants a kiss on my forehead before he leaves and when he comes back. Regardless of whether or not I'm asleep.

"Dee, you and I need to get ready," Sofia states as she stands up and places her hands on her hips. "There's no way I'm missing out on a sleigh ride in the middle of winter in Switzerland,"

Her playful attitude has me giggling. "Your brother is a billionaire, you can sleigh ride whenever you want, Sofia,"

"Well, my best friend is nurse. I can't sleigh ride with her whenever I want. So, let's get you up and at em," she cheers, holding her arms out to help me stand up.

Between last week and now, my belly has grown significantly and it's made me a lot more tired than usual. I don't really mind since we do have a doctor on standby in case I have an issue again. But otherwise, I've enjoyed the rest.

"Sofia, your best friend is also heavily pregnant. I get tired easily, love," I protest as she lifts me up.

"Yeah, yeah. But we both need this," she complains with a pout. "And Vante wanted you to be ready because he has a surprise apparently,"

"Another? I thought the sleigh ride was the surprise!"

"Not sure, girl. He refuses to tell me as well," Sofia shrugs.

I sigh when I stand up. "Well, let's do this,"


"Vante Riccardo, you will get here this instant, otherwise I'm going to make sure that you don't have underwear for the next week-"

Sofia's threat into the phone is cut off when Vante calls us from the door of the hotel lobby.

"Amore!" He sounds cheerful when he calls for me. And his demeanour is even more cheerful when he walks over and wraps his arms around me.

I bury my face into his chest and he feels so warm. His cologne is mixed with another scent and I can't figure out what it is. It smells like vanilla and what seems to be cinnamon?

"Where were you?" I speak into his chest. When he speaks the vibrations feel so lovely.

"Getting your surprise ready, my love," he pauses to pull away from the hug as he trails his fingers along my jawline. "You're gonna love it. It's nothing big, but it'll be fun for you,"

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