47| Delilah

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"FUCK OFF—" Sofia is cut off by a man's hand covering her mouth. He squeezes her jaw causing her to groan in pain and when she bites him, he lets out a frustrated grunt. The man then pulls out his gun, pointing it at her throat and she freezes.

My eyes widen as a gun is pointed at my stomach.

You'd think that at this point I'd be used to guns being pointed at my head and stomach, but no. Not when my best friend is in danger as well. Or my daughter.

"Why can't you just leave us alone, Jameson? My family and I were perfectly fine until—"

He cackles dramatically loud. "Your family? You don't have a family, Delilah. Don't joke around here, it won't out for you or your little friend..."

Sofia squirms, trying to fight the man keeping her in his grasp but he only holds on tighter, digging his fingers into her beautiful face.

"Sofia," I warn and she looks at me, breathing heavily as tears threaten her eyes. I shake my head at her with guilt, urging her to stop.

"Good girl," Jameson chirps from across us and i scoff, rolling my eyes.

"You do know that Vante is going to kill you the second he sees you. I'd do it myself if I wasn't so heavily pregnant, to be honest with you," I mutter under my breath.

"I'm not scared of death, Delilah. You should be, though. You're staring it right. In. The face," he lifts the gun up and cocks it.

I feel my chest heaving and my heart racing. It's starting to hurt, my lungs are starting to feel weak. So much for our spa day.

"Jameson, you have nothing to gain from killing me-"

"Oh, I have everything to gain. I get to watch the downfall of that idiot. Watch him lose his mind when he loses, not only his lover, but his daughter and his sister as well. You don't seem to understand exactly what I'm going to achieve here," he states.

"What, that you're a fucking delusional and sick man?" I bite back.

"Sick, yes, delusional? No," he pulls his gun back. "You see, Vante Riccardo deserves to die."

My brows furrow. "What... what do you mean?"

Sofia screams into the man's hand, shouting muffled curses. She kicks her legs around, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

"Oh, she knows exactly what I mean. You don't know the truth about him. He never told you, he'll never admit it," Jameson states with a grin.

"What are you saying," I demand with urgency. Keeping Sofia in my peripheral vision.

"You see, four years ago, Vante Riccardo killed my wife, my daughters and my only son," Jameson leans down on the arms of the chair. "How did he do it? He burnt them alive. All of them,"

"What?" I breathe out. "But your daughter is-"

"She's not my fucking daughter. Some little brat I adopted for the public. Do you know why he killed them?" He dares but it seems like a genuine question.

I gulp, shaking my head with caution as my neck feels like it's going to pull stiff.

"Because he fell in love with my eldest. And she loved him too," he whispers the last part to himself before shutting his eyes and stepping back with frustration. "But it doesn't matter anymore. He's going to die, his sister will die, his daughter will die... and you will die,"

I'm left frozen in shock, in fear. I don't even know if I'm scared of Jameson anymore.

It feels like I should be scared of Vante...

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