12| Delilah

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⚠️ Trigger warning! This chapter contains physical abuse. I advise that you skip to the end where there will be a short summary of the chapter for those who might get triggered.⚠️

——— T.B.B ———

I can't cry in front of him. I WON'T cry in front of him. I try to tell myself.

I push back my tears and stare him straight in the eyes. "Don't ask me what's wrong when you just told me that I'll never get to meet my very first child. And you still thought that it was okay?"

He stays silent, guilt tinging his features. He still hasn't moved and doesn't even think to apologise.

"You're the most heartless man I've ever met," I scoff and look to the side. My tears are still threatening and it's taking everything in me to hold them back and not break down right now.

He inhales and takes a step back, moving to the other side of the elevator. I glare at the side of the elevator and stay as silent as I can, but little sobs start to creep their way into my throat.

The elevator dings and the doors open. I'm quick to run out before he can catch me and I dig into my bag to get my keys.

Unfortunately he gets to me before I can find my keys and as I'm searching for them, he takes my wrist and holds it up.

He's looking down at his feet, as if he's guilty of something.

In this case, he was just cruel. I don't know how else to describe it.

"Why— what makes me heartless?" He asks, looking up at me with pained eyes.

I can't get any words out because this is completely new to me. Just this morning he insulted me but he's sorry?

I shake off his hand and search for my keys. I find them and go to put them into the lock, but his hand blocks it.

"Please, Delilah. I can't have you thinking I'm heartless, you're giving birth to my son. I'd rather you saw me as anything else. Whether it's arrogant or ignorant," He speaks in such a tone that seems like he's begging me to forgive him.

"Please, Delilah," He says as he steps forward but I step back and hold my hands in front of me as a way to block him.

I shake my head. "No, Mr Riccardo. I never agreed to give birth to your baby and what you said, back at the restaurant..."

I breath for a bit to calm myself down. "What you said was heartless. And you know what? You are ignorant. You just expect me to pop out a baby and go on with my life? Maybe another woman would do that for you, but not me. I will not leave the side of my first child, not even for a billion pounds,"

I walk past him and unlock my door. Mr Riccardo stays frozen in place but when I grab the door handle, his hand is on top of mine, holding onto it as if he's gonna die if he lets go.

"Ms Winston, please reconsider your decision. Tomorrow morning we can discuss the terms and change them to your liking. But, please, just don't see me as heartless," His voice is filled with devastation and he's not even trying to hide it.

My heart skips a beat and I'm jolted back to reality. I sigh and take his wrist to remove his hand from mine.

He doesn't fight back and his arm falls limp at his side as he looks at me with some sort of hope in his eyes.

"Goodbye, Mr Riccardo," Is all I say and I enter my apartment.

I close the door and lock it, leaning onto it partly to hear if he leaves and because I can't move. My apartment feels cold and the door is the only thing that's keeping me warm.

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