18| Delilah

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Trigger warning!
This chapter contains a scene of sexual assault.
Do not read if it bothers you and there will b a summary of the chapter at the end.
——— T.B.B ———

Two years ago...

"Welcome to the St Riccardo Private hospital, Ms Winston. I'm Doctor Steven Harper and I'll be your superior," He says in a stern yet calm voice.

I smile and nod my head, my new crisp scrubs rubbing delicately on my skin.

"So you're a delivery nurse, is that right?" He questions, standing up from his desk while reading my CV papers. "Do you have any experience with that?"

He looks me in the eye and I freeze slightly. "No, sir. This will be my first time working as a delivery nu—"

"Do you know that nurses are of the lowest ranking in the hospital, Ms Winston," He states as he closes the papers and sets them on his desk.

I furrow my brows as I observe him. "Pardon me?"

He chuckles and begins stalking closer to me. "You have to earn your place,"

He's close now, too close. He reaches his arm to grab me by my upper arm and his other hand snakes it's way around my waist. I use my free hand to push him back but he won't budge.

"D-Doctor Harper, let m-me go!" I protest, but this causes him to let go of my arm and grab my jaw.

He uses his free hand to play with the hem of my shirt and soon slides his hand under so that is finger trace my skin. I stop him by his rist but he squeezes my jaw harder, causing me to wince in pain and move my hands to the forearm of his arm holding my jaw.

"You have to earn your place, Ms Winston," His voice is dripping with venom and lust.

He moves his hand up and feels on my bra, cupping my breast in his hand and squeezing it a lot harder than he should. I let out whimpers of pain and he stops with my breast, trailing his hand down to my pants and sliding them in my underwear.

I use my leg to kick him in his balls and he falters, groaning in anger and throwing me onto the door. I massage my jaw and reach for the door handle, throwing the door open and running out into the hallway. My breathing heavy as I try to compose myself.

"Hey, are you okay?" A female voice speaks and I jump back. "You look like you could use some coffee. I'm Ethel, by the way,"

Present day...

I back away on the floor. I could care less about the guards catching me right now. In fact, I'd rather have them catch me and take me away than be anywhere near this man.

I feel a hand on my upper arm, picking me up off the floor and moving me back. All while holding eye contact with Doctor Harper.

He doesn't even deserve his title.

I'm turned around and the eye contact with him, walking with the guards and looking at my feet. I can feel his eyes on me but I ignore them, entering the nearby elevator with the guards and giving one last glance at Harper as the doors close.


"FUCK!" I hear and my eyes widen. I stare down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers.

At first, I never meant to feel bad because he had his bodyguards capture me, but now that I hear the pain he's in I kinda feel a bit—

"FUCKING HELL! WINSTON!" Bad. A little bit bad.

Journalists and other doctors have gathered around outside the room. Some of them have been giving me skeptical looks, while others are trying to peep through the window of the door.

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