27| Delilah

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[2 week time skip]

I let out my 80th sigh of the day, groaning in despair and hitting my forehead with my clipboard.

Unfortunately, it doesn't help clear my mind of what happened or what's going to happen.

"Ethel," I begin, mumbling in sadness. "What should I doooooo,"

Ethel looks at me with sympathy while caressing my back. "You should just talk to him, Delilah. Just so you both understand what's happening,"

"What's happening?" I retort with slight sarcasm. "I almost fucked him in an elevator. Not to mention, I haven't spoken a cohesive sentence to him since then. And it's been two fucking weeks— shit!"

Behind Ethel, Vante is strolling down the hallway, all the eyes on him and Peter following behind as he walks. His demeanour is confident, like he's the boss. Well- he is the boss but still.

He makes his presence known without even doing anything.

Today he's wearing a dark red suit which makes him look like the devil. Handsome devil, if you will.

Fuckable devil. I'm gonna agree with that because Vante Riccardo is drop dead fucking gorgeous—

"And he's coming this way. Fuck!" I exclaim in a whisper.

"What?" Ethel asks in surprise and bursts out laughing. "You sound like a high school girl,"

I move behind the reception desk, feeling like an idiot the time I'm crouching behind the chairs. The two ladies also look at me like I'm being ridiculous but I'm frozen when I hear his footsteps come closer.

I close my eyes and everything is silent. His footsteps stopped but I don't hear any talking.

"Nurse Ryan, good morning," His tone sounds so scary. Why? Because he sounds like he's in a good fucking mood.

And Vante Riccardo is never in a good fucking mood!

I can only hope that Ethel or the other nurses can play this out the right way.

"Come on, Ethel," I whisper. My last bit of hope hanging on a thread.

"M-Mr Riccardo! What a surprise to see you here! Well, not a surprise since you own the hospital but how could I not know that, I mean— of course, I know that, everyone knows that. Even they know that, and Ms Winstouhhh Mrs Riccardo. We all know that. Good morning, Mr Riccardo, how are you doing?" At that point I knew I lost her.

"Good," He replies and I can hear the grin when he speaks again. "Great, actually. Where is my wife?"

"Y-your wife?" Ethel repeats in shock.

"Yes," He says slowly. "My wife. I'm assuming you know where she is,"

"Delilah? Y-yeah, I know where she is, s-she's just behind this counter here because—" I hear Ethel gasp and then walk away. "Sorry, Ms Win— Nurse Riccardo,"

With my lips in a straight line, I stand up slowly(reluctantly), awkwardly giving a tight lipped smile and waving at Vante.

He grins, looking me in the eyes. "Amore! You're not even going to give me a hug? Are you avoiding your husband?"

Now all eyes are back on me. He knows exactly what he's doing and I notice him hiding a grin under his feigned concern.

I take a breath and walk over to him, only lifting up one arm. Surely, I can get away with a side hug.

I reach my arm forward, ready for a side hug but he reaches his hand out and takes mine. I'm jerked forward as his arm slides around my waist and he places his lips on mine.

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