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HM kept her bike keys in stand and takes her seat in couch and thought " The days with you, were the most beautiful days of my life. I can't recreate that days or can't go back to those days. But I am happy with that PAST, in present with your beautiful memories" HM thought this, while looking at the ceilings

Again and again that black color car and her Ziddi's face is flashing in front of her. HM is completely confused about her feelings. She doesn't know whether she have to feel happy that she saw her Ziddi or bad that she missed to meet her.

"No, how can I meet her. No, it's not possible" HM thought this, while sitting in the living area put her head down



HM heard this voice and looked at her Mother's photo

"Why are sitting like this, is anything bothering you" NMS asked HM

HM just looked at NM's photo and turned her head to other side

"You don't say anything to me, when I am alive, now you are gonna say, no. I am the stupid to ask you like this, when myself know, you never gonna answer me" NMS shouted, but there is no response from HM

"At least look at my photo, no need to answer me" NMS said, hearing this, HM turned her head and looked at her mother's photo

"Don't think that no one can understand your situation, I will understand your unsaid words or situations, just by seeing your face. What happened, today? Are you missing your ziddi more" NMS asked

HM looked at her intently and said "I saw her in Mumbai's road, Ammi"

"So, because of that, you are sitting like this" NMS asked

"You know what, your favorite Ziddi was driving the car like a pro, that too at high speed" HM said

"Now only you opened your mouth to answer me. If not Ziddi's story, you won't speak with me or share with me" NMS asked

"Only you know about her, and I only have you to speak about her" saying this, HM exhaled her breath

"And you, you have to fulfill all my Munchkins request, which she asked me in morning. Then only she will believe me" NMS said

"I have to do all the things to make her to believe you, and you are an such a powerless ghost" HM taunted NMS

"Hey, don't speak ill about me, I am a ghost" NMS shouted at her daughter

"Okay, No worry, I will do something to make my grand daughter to believe me. I will do something to give her the teddy, which she requested" NMS said, while looking at her daughter with a smirk

"Don't dare to think anything to do with that teddy" HM said irkly

"Then you are going to do other things for my grandchild on behalf of me, or I will do something to that teddy" NMS said

"I will do" saying this, HM left from there


KS house

At night, KS returned to her house.

"I want to speak with you" PJ asked KS, as this is her usual routine

"I don't have anything to speak with you" KS said

"Last night, you asked, how much my deal cost right?" PJ said this, while looking at the KS, who already crossed her, without giving any heed to her.

But stopped in her tracks, when she heard this, and turned to her mother and asked "Yes, I asked and even Today, I will ask the same, How much your deal cost? So that I can decide whether I have to speak with you or not"

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