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Author's note: 

After the rain, Umbrella becomes a burden for everyone 

 -- I read it some where, but it hits me hardly. So thought of sharing, because sharing is caring 

And Even I am missing the daily dose of writing. So Here you go................


HM turned and looked at KS, who is laying with ZNM on the other side of bed, a smile crept on HM's face and she closed her eyes to get some sleep

"Is it true that, you are really a good kisser?" KS asked, while removing the King, which is in between them and looked at HM, who is sleeping 

"She slept" thought this, KS closed her eyes to sleep 

"Wait..... What... Why I asked her like this" thought this, KS opened her eyes 

"Thank God, she slept or else, what she will think about me" 

"Why I asked her like this, how suddenly it comes to my mind, I have to stay in some limits, I don't have to ask her like this" thought this, KS again closed her eyes to get some sleep, after convincing herself

After sometime, HM covered both ZNM and KS with duvet properly, who is laying beside her



KS, is the one who wakes up first, and found her leg over HM's stomach, and HM is holding her foot. She slowly removed that from HM's grip, adjusted her position and looked at that Mother - Daughter duo, who is sleeping peacefully and remembers the love, they both had for each other, which she saw in all the encounters with them, even before knowing that Ziddique is her own daughter

KS just looking at them for quite long time, and a smile crept on her face, while looking at her daughter, who is simply using HM as bed and at HM, who is safely holding her daughter, and also we have to say this, that someone also used HM as pillow a few minutes ago

"Why she is doing everything for Ziddique, like this. How can be some one, will be selfless like this. Is she doing all the things only for Ziddique or ..." KS thoughts are broken by the sudden movement of HM, who is stretching her one hand after waking up from her sleep

"Good Morning" KS said, who is looking at them, from her side of the bed

HM, surprised by the wishes of the Limited Edition Queen, who is wishing limitlessly today, but said "Good Morning" with a smile, while caressing ZNM's head to wake her up

"Baby, wake up and look, who is here" HM said

KS smiled at this and said "Actually, you guys are here, I am not there"

HM just nodded her head with a smile and said "Baby, get up and see your Ziddi is here"

ZNM slowly opened her eyes and turned to other side, and looked at KS. KS pulled her for a hug, kissed her cheeks and said "Ohh.. my Baccha.. Missed me"

ZNM, just nodded her head, who is still half sleepy. HM just looking at them for sometime and said "Baby, you are getting late for school, we need to leave from here"

ZNM hugged KS and said "I miss you, please come there"

"I said right, I will come there to be with you, anytime you want" KS said

"No, you are lying, yesterday you didn't came, when I missed you. Only my Ammi took me here to meet you, that too, at night" ZNM said

"I would come there, if you called me" KS said

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