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"What happened, why are the things are scattered like this?" asking this, Mira entered into the house along with KS

As usual KS ignored everything and started to move towards her room.

"Karishma, Wait, I want to speak with you" PJ said, without listening to her, KS just passed her

"I have what you lost, and now you have to speak with me" PJ said, while looking at the KS, who is forwarding towards her room

"Karishma, listen to me once"

"You don't know what I have for you"

"I have your child, which you are thinking that we aborted" PJ shouted all this, by looking at the KS's back

Hearing this, KS stopped in her tracks and turned to them, and asked "So, you started another new drama. Why you don't allow me to live in peace, even for sometime. And still, you are thinking that I will believe all your nonsense"

"Stop it Karishma, first listen to me. Then you decide whether you have to believe us or not" PJ said

"Any day, I will say blindly that I won't believe you" saying this, KS again turned to move

"Actually, we lost your baby after your delivery, when you are in amnesia, once you regained your memories you thought that, we aborted your child, and we didn't said anything for that, because we lost your baby, but now we find out your baby, so that we are saying this to you" PJ said all this in single go

KS smiled at them sarcastically and said "Still you are thinking that, you can make me fool, right. So, now I have to believe that, I gave birth to a baby, and we lost that in hospital and now you find that one"

"Okay, I believe you, show me that baby and till this date, with whom that baby stayed. Tell me. For God's sake, don't make scene like this" KS said

"Karishma, Please listen to them, completely" Mira asked

KS looked at Mira and said " You didn't think like me or speak for me, but you are my friend. Seriously I didn't get that point"

Mira looked at her blankly, and PJ moved towards KS with some photo. And the same time PS comes there with some documents

"See the hospital admission form"

"Complaint regarding the missing baby"

"Documents related to the parent, who adopted this baby"

"And this the agreement signed by the parent, who adopted the baby, transfers all the rights to you" PS showed all the documents to KS

KS cleared her throat and said "actually, now only my doubts are getting stronger that, how you managed to gather all the proof"

"You are always like this, we didn't gathered, we have all these details from beginning" PS said

KS exhaled her breath and started to move

"At least look at this photo" saying this, she showed the photo of KS with baby ZNM in hospital, which PS took after KS's delivery

"And don't say that we edited this photo, you can easily identify, whether it is edited or not"

"And every year, Mira took you to temple on certain date, you remembered that, that's is your baby's birth date. So that, I asked Mira to take you to temple every year, on that day" PJ said

Hearing all this, KS is in mixed emotions whether she have to believe them or not, her heart wants wants to believe them, because she will get her baby, which she thought she lost long ago. But something is blocking, which she doesn't understand, what is that exactly. She takes the picture from PJ's hand and started to look at her baby, tears are already started to roll down from her eyes, but something she felt off in all these

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