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NM looked at her and said " I don't know you will buy this teddy for her"

"Every girl loves teddy. I thought she will loves this more, because somewhere I felt like that"

"But I never thought I bought this not only for her, but also for her baby which is in her womb" HM said

"Impressive" NM said

"What" HM asked

"You don't care for yourself, for your mother, for anything. But" NM stopped and looked at her daughter

HM looked at her mother like 'what'

"I will check Ziddi" saying this, NM left from there.

"Ziddi, enough of playing with this teddy, you are playing with this from afternoon, now it's night. Come and eat your dinner. After that, again you can play with this" NM called Ziddi nth time, who is playing with teddy in her room

"I don't know, you will love this teddy this much" thought this, NM tried to take teddy from Ziddi, to take her out for dinner. But Ziddi stopped NM to take the teddy from her by saying "No, Mi"

"How long you gonna keep this with you, like this" NM asked this with a smile.

Ziddi keeps teddy in her lap and spread both her hands in air. Seeing this, NM smiled at her adoringly. And she is happy to see her daughters dimple smile through the mirror, who is standing at the door step and smiling at them

"If anyone wants to come to my room, then they come inside. Don't need to stand at door step" NM said, while not turning back to door step.

Which Startled HM, "Wo..ah..." She cleared her throat and said " Rani Maa, asked you guys to come and eat your dinner" saying this, HM left from there

"Ziddi, come baccha. Please for your Mi's sake" NM pleased Ziddi, to which Ziddi nodded her head

"Why you guys take this much time to come" RM asked

NM served some food to Ziddi and said " Ziddi keep that teddy away, while eating"

Ziddi, just changed the side of teddy, but she hold that teddy, while eating also. "Seriously, Haseena knows this much. Now I accept she is 100% worth to love someone. I misjudged her" NM thought, by seeing the way Ziddi love that teddy

"Noor Ji, I will give this food to Haseena" RM asked while taking food plate for HM. NM nodded her head as NO to RM and said " No need, she won't eat anything, if we give. But she doesn't eat anything from morning. Leave that, she is starving by herself"  saying this, she looked at Ziddi, who quietly eating her food and continued "Keep that food plate here. If she wants she will come and eat"

RM looked at NM sternly and kept that food plate and left from there.

Ziddi finished her food and washed her hands and looked at NM. "Come, now we can go and sleep in our room" NM said. But ziddi takes food plate and left from there along with teddy. Looking at this, NM smiled as her plan was great success

HM who is just laying on her bed, saw her room door opening, shouted " Rani Maa, I don't want any food. Please take that food back"

But seeing the intruder, a smile crept on her face. She gets up, adjusted her position in bed rest and smiled at ziddi, who is coming to her with food plate, with a grumpy face.

"Madam is still mad at me" thought this, HM takes food plate from Ziddi and kept aside in her side table and "You can sleep here" saying this, HM showed other side of the bed

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