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"So you guys are going for vacation" SP asked HM

HM smiled at SP and looked at KS, who is already looking at her.

"You guys have to manage everything in my absence, and we will be back in one week" KS said to SP

"One week" SP winked at HM

HM smiled at her and said "Yeah, we have only 10 days leave"

"10 days leave ??" SP asked

"Yeah, baby's mid term holidays in her school" HM said

"What you are taking Ziddique with you?" SP asked shockingly

"Why are asking this, shockingly? How we will leave her here" asking this, HM thinks for a while and said "Moreover, we are mother, first"

SP nodded her head in a understanding way and asked "Where you are going for your family vacation"

"Surprise" saying this, HM gets up from her seat

"Means, we don't know, where we are going. Simba is planning for a surprise" KS said, while handing some files to SP

SP nodded her head and said to HM "Enjoy your vacation"

HM smiled at SP and left from there, as she have to do packing

"Karishma, I will handle everything. You too, go and do your packing" SP said

"Just 1 hour, I will complete this, and I will leave" KS said with a smile

"Ammi, that's it" saying this, ZNM kept her last teddy in the bed

HM looked all her daughter's toys on bed, including inky's dog house and asked "Why are you bring all this, here"

"We have to pack all this, right" ZNM asked

"What" HM asked shockingly

"Ammi, we have to take all this for our vacation, right, then how I will play there" ZNM put forward her point

"It's just for a week, baby" HM tried to make her understand

"We are packing this or not" ZNM asked

"Okay baba, we will take the smaller ones" HM said, while looking at the toys worriedly as she doesn't know, how to pack all these toys

"Only smaller ones" ZNM asked sadly

HM looked at dog house and thinks for a while and said sadly " Actually I want to take all my baby's toys, but I don't have much money to buy tickets for all this" saying this, HM started to pack some toys

ZNM looked at her mother and said "okay, smaller one's are enough for me"

HM looked at her daughter with a proud smile and said "We are taking all my baby's favourite toys. Now tell me, which one are your favourite"

Hearing this, ZNM smiled and pointed out almost all the toys, and finally they packed something

"I packed your things, just check once" saying this, HM moved towards the cupboard

"You did everything" asking this, KS checked their luggage

"Perfect" saying this, She back hugged HM, who is arranging something in Cupboard

"Are you happy?" HM asked, while holding KS's hands, which is in her stomach

KS just nodded her head, which is in HM's back


"Ammi, poor inky, we left him in our house with Santu Masi" ZNM said sadly, while looking outside

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