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It's been 2 weeks since KarEena/ZidSeena encounter. Everyone is busy in their own life with own set of problems. KS doesn't know about her 2 years and her baby. HM doesn't want to know more about the look alike of Ziddi. She is happy with her small family which consists of her daughter and her toys


"What the fcuk, where I kept that documents" saying this, KS hurriedly looking for the missing documents in her cupboard, where she keep all the documents

Almost she took all the papers, documents, notes, diary's from the cupboard and literally thrown them in floor.

"Where the hell that documents went" saying this, She took her phone and called Mira

"Hello Mira, I lost our agreement documents with that abc client. Please look for alternative that how can we get the copy of that" saying this, she cuts the call, without listening to the Mira's response

"Shit" KS frustratingly took her seat on the couch in her study room. Her eyes fell on the diary, she looked at the diary for sometime and thinks for a while, gets up from the couch and take that dairy in her hand

"This dairy is still a puzzle for me, seriously it is surprising me that, I was this much, mentally disturbed to write like this, still that 2 years is mystery for me"

"I don't know why my heart always wants to find that 2 years of my life. What I gonna get from that"

"Nothing, just pain, betrayal, life lessons" thought this, she closed the diary which she just opened, but before that something gets her attention from that diary's first page, which make her to remember something


"Ziddi, Somewhere I heard this, recently" thought this, she tried to remember, but she doesn't get anything

She kept that dairy in the side table and left from there


"Mira, Ask cleaners to clean my room carefully, as all the documents are in floor. Ask them to arrange everything properly in cupboard" saying this, KS comes to Mira, who is having her break fast

"Come, have the breakfast. Between, seriously sometimes, you are going over board" Mira said

"What, What made you to say like this" KS asked, while taking her seat in the dining table and serving her food

"Then, what will I say, you are making a phone call to me, when we are staying in the same house" Mira said

KS smiled at her and said "Arrange something for that missing documents"

PJ comes there and asked "I want to speak with you"

KS ignored that and continued to take her food. "I said I want to speak with you, and don't forget that we are your parents" PJ said

"Parents" KS repeated that sarcastically with a smile "I accept that you are my parents, but the fact is, I understand who is my parents, that's why I am behaving like this to you, and I will behave like this in future as well. Not everyone will get the understanding parents and the same case goes for you, that all parents wouldn't get children's, like the way they want" saying this, KS left from there

PJ looked at the retreating figure of her daughter and looked at Mira and said "Mira, don't forget tomorrow, you have to take her to the temple"

Mira looked at her like 'why'. PJ saw that and said "I asked you, that don't ask me 'why'. But you have to take her to the temple, for my sake. Please"

"Last 4 years, you are asking the same thing. First I didn't understand and but I noted just one thing, that you are asking me to take her to temple on the same date. Is there is any specific reason for that, or you guys are hiding anything from her. What's special in that day" Mira asked PJ, all her doubts

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