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After sometime, HM felt very cold, she tried to adjust her duvet without opening her eyes, but due to her bad luck, she didn't find her duvet. She irkedly opened her eyes and looked down to find the duvet, but she shocked to find there is no duvet over her. She turned towards KS and gritted her teeth in anger as KS completely takeover her duvet

HM pulled the duvet from KS harshly, to that KS wakes up from her sleep shockingly and looked at HM, who is throwing shooting daggers at her

"Don't dare to touch my duvet" saying this, HM again covered herself with duvet and slept

Poor KS slept without duvet in that cold.

After sometime, HM gets up and saw the stranger, who is shivering in the cold. She ignored that and covered herself completely with duvet, and again she slept


HM wakes up from her sleep, and felt some weight on her body. She opened her eyes and saw KS's legs first in the morning, which is in her stomach and immediately she pushed KS legs harder from her stomach and started to shout "How dare, How dare you put your legs on me, like this" shouting like this, she gets up from bed and stand in front of her

Hearing HM's voice, both NM and RM runs into their room to save the poor stranger from that lioness

"What happened Haseena, why are you shouting like this, that too in morning?" RM asked HM, while entering into her room

"What happened to you ziddi, is she disturbed your sleep?" NM asked KS, who is sitting shockingly in the bed

"Why the hell, you allowed her in my room. She didn't allow me to sleep in peace" HM said

"No" KS said

Both HM and RM shocked to hear KS's voice for the first time. HM is stunned for a second, but she immediately went near her and asked "So, you will speak, Now tell me your name, and address, everything"

"Tell me quickly"

"Quickly" HM asked her while holding her both arms. KS just looking at HM, who is slightly hovering over her, with the excitement

"Rani, ask her to leave Ziddi, she is hovering over her" NM said

Hearing this, HM looked at their position and left KS.

"She put her legs on me and sleep" HM complained about the stranger to her mother

"It's not a big deal" saying this, she left from there along with KS

"Shit, they spoiled everything. If they allow me to speak with her  for some more time, definitely I will get to know something about her, and I threw her out of this house" HM thought this, went to restroom

After sometime, HM comes to the kitchen, to eat something. She took some food in her plate and as usual she stands in her position and started to eat and she heard RM's voice from the living area

HM went there with her food plate and  stand there in the support of wall and observe the scene

"Today Morning, you answered Haseena right. Now tell me, who are you, from where you came here, and what is your address, tell me your parent's phone number" RM piled her questions

KS just simply sitting in the couch aimlessly, without giving mere response to RM and RM's questions

"Stop it, Rani, Why are you questioning her like this. Leave her at some peace" NM said

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