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Thanks to Nimasha  and @I_pseudonym for the screenshots

There will be mistakes 


"Hello Ms. Mallik, today I will pick up Ziddique from school" HM remembered KS words and lost in her Ziddi's world at the parking


"Haseena'' calling this, SP shook HM's arms to broke her trance of thoughts

HM looked at SP and SP asked "What are you thinking this much seriously"

"Nothing" HM said

"But somewhere I feel that, you were swimming in Ziddi land, I mean Ziddique's land" SP said with a smile

"She said that she will pick up baby from school" HM said

"Okay, what's problem in that" SP asked

"Usually, Ms. Singh prefers me to pick up baby from School, but today, she said like that, and also from morning she is behaving little different with me" HM said

"But I didn't think like that, in fact, she supports you in the matter of your EX" SP said

"What, My EX, where shweta comes here. And how did Ms. Singh knows about my post" HM asked little tensely

"I said that to her" SP said casually

"Fcuk, why the hell, you said that to her, what will she think about me, and now I understood, why she avoided me, from the morning" HM shouted at SP

SP smiled at HM and asked "Why ore you getting tensed for everything. You already planned to go to abroad, then what is the issue in Ms. Singh Picking up Ziddique from School, and why do you core for what Ms. Singh thought about you, you never cored about anyone, now what is the big deal in that"

HM glared at SP, and left from there in a rage, without answering anything

"You want to leave them, and in the same time you want to do all the things to them. Weird right. And I will see. how long you will hold your feelings like this" SP thought this, while looking at HM retreating figure


"Why they didn't come to home, till now" thought this, HM walks to and fro, in the living area

"Or else she tokes baby with her to her house, No, she won't do that"

"Why I am thinking like this, anyways she is going to toke baby from here, even I om going to abroad, then why I am feeling bad for this"

"Is I was the one took this decision, then why it hurts me like this" HM thoughts are broken by ZNM's Voice

"Ammi, look at this" saying this, ZNM runs into HM and hugged her legs, HM looked at the direction, ZNM pointed out, where KS comes with Big Elephant Plush

"Ziddi bought this for me" ZNM said, and HM looked at KS, who is coming towards them with new addition and ZNM's bag

ZNM took the toy and moved towards INKY, HM takes bag from KS, still looking at KS, but KS is in no mood to look HM

"Baby, I will heat milk for you" saying this, HM kept her bag aside

"No, today, I will do that. and you change her dress" saying this, KS left from her

"Ammi, we ate ice cream, while coming from the school" ZNM said, while standing on the bed

HM nodded her head, "Then what your Ziddi said to you" asked her, while changing her dress

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