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"Arrangements are very nice" One of the Guest said to KS, about her dinner party

"Thank you" KS smiled at him, and moved to SP

"Where is Ms. Mallik, even she doesn't pick my calls, she have to do live cooking here in 30 mins" KS asked SP

"She asked us to arrange everything, and she said, she will be here on time" SP said

KS nodded her head.

"Here, she is" SP said, while looking at HM, who comes there in her uniform

"You are the in charge of today's dinner. But you are the one, who came this much late" SP asked

"I can't leave baby alone at home. So I stayed with her till Santu comes to house" HM said

"Why you left her there, you can take her with you here, right. We are there, so we will take car..." KS said, but HM stopped her by showing her palms and said "It's okay, she is tired. So it's better for her to stay at home"

"Shivani, I will check the arrangements" saying this, HM left

"Everything is okay between you both" SP asked, KS just nodded her head as YES


"Ms. Mallik, is Ziddique asked anything further about that" KS asked

"Is she is doing fine, right"

"Why are you not speaking with me. What happened?"

" I am asking you only, answer me" KS shouted at HM, who is checking the arrangements

"She is fine" saying this, HM left from there


KS entered into HM's house after the party, as HM left immediately after her live cooking.

"I thought you would sleep at this hours, what are you thinking, while sitting here" KS asked HM, who is sitting in the living area

KS looked at HM, who is in some other world, said "Ms. Mallik, I am sorry for the things that happened. But trust me, I didn't do anything intentionally. I always kept my eye on Ziddique, but I don't know how he spoke with her. And you know very well about my parents. Don't worry, we can make Ziddique understand this"

HM remained silent, after getting no response from HM, KS asked "Is any other thing, is bothering you. If it is, please let me know, if possible, I will help you"

"Nothing, you can go and sleep" HM said

"Ms. Mallik" KS called

"I asked you to go" HM said in stern tone

"How rude, you are. How could you ask me to go, like this" KS asked

"What's rude in this, Ms. Singh. You asked this many times to me, that too in authoritive tone, I just asked you, as I want some alone time. Why you can't stay in your limit" HM said in little shouting tone

"And you too like the others, you nowhere different from others. Before I asked you to stay in your limits, you never listened to that and did all the things. When I want to stay normal with you, now you are asking me to stay in limit. Super"

"I just asked you, from where, here I crossed my limits"

"And I think, you are just hyping this issue as big one, I agree Ziddique was hurt, but she understood, right. Then why are you making fuss on that" shouting this, KS left from HM's house in anger


"Mr. Singh" KS shouted, while entering into her house at midnight

"Mr. Singh"

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