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"Shivani went with Ms. Mallik to drop her at home" Mira informed KS, who is sitting there silently

"And I think, we can leave from here, why are you sitting like this and thinking the same thing which happened. What you gonna get from that, leave that, Come, we will go home" Mira said

"Please leave me alone for sometime, You go home now, I will come soon, Please" saying this, KS left from there


"I am waiting for you Ms. Sharma" KS said, while looking at SS, who comes to the parking with the trophy

" Urf.. Shweta Sharma, Ms. Singh" saying this, SS stand in front of KS with a smile

"For this trophy, how much I need to work" saying this, SS caressed her forehead which has bandage, with a smile

"If you did this competition well and won this trophy means, definitely I would love to congratulate you, but seriously you did the cheap act"

"And I was surprised, how come someone stoop this much low to win, like this"

"But one thing seriously I didn't understand is, how you control her like this, even after so many years" KS asked

SS kept the trophy on bonnet and said "Little heavy"

"Actually, you were wrong, even I was mad at me, how I lost my control over her, because from the time, I met her in Mumbai, I can't make her dance in my tune. Because, every time, the so - called her daughter's mother comes in between as a barrier, And you know what, today I just used that barrier in the favor of me" SS said with a smile

"And you know what, I got this trophy because of you only"

"What the hell, you want to do with them" asking this, HM left SS hands

"I am not gonna do anything with them, just I want to ask something from Karishma Singh" SS said

"You both don't have anything to do with each other, and you don't have any rights to ask her anything" HM said

"Okay, I don't ask her, I will ask you, answer me"

"Is really your so called daughter is your daughter" SS asked with a smile

HM glares at SS and said "She is my daughter, and you don't have anything to speak about my daughter, if I heard one more word about my daughter, then that will be your last"

"Then what about your so called daughter's mother. And I heard that baby is, Karishma Singh's and Krishn..." before SS complete this, HM strangled SS's neck

"I said, not a word" saying this, HM continued her assault, SS with a full force pushed HM

"You know the rules right, if anyone comes to know about your physical violence, then you will be disqualified from the competition, that too from the winning position" saying this, SS normalizes her breath

"I don't care about any fcuking rules, when it comes to my closed ones, and no one, simply no one knows this better than you" HM said

"Wow, you knows this much, and from when you started to speak against me like this, Hasu baby" saying this, SS comes close to HM and said "You are pervert I know, and because of that, you locked yourself in your house for years. But I never thought, Ms. Singh would be... that too after having baby with her ex"

"Ouccch" shouting this, SS touched her forehead, as HM pushed her into mirror

"Not bad" saying this, SS looked at HM, who is airing her finger in front of her

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